RP on your server

Was just wondering what the RP is like on your realm


While walk-up RP pretty much is dead, there’s plenty of RP to be had within the guilds, at least on Horde side. Afaik all guilds are mostly using various forms of /roll combat during events.


Perfect is what it is. At least as far as I’m concerned. :wink:

On a more serious note, SGC is very small and overwhelmingly guild-driven. Horde side generally sees more activity than the Alliance (but we’re working on it with open RP events!) but you won’t find much walk-up RP on either side. The playerbase is tiny, so the community is much more close-knit and… heck, as an AD expat myself I’ll just say it–it’s incomparably more friendly than what I’ve seen over the years I’ve spent on AD. Guild variety is very limited and there’s not enough people to host AD-style megacampaigns, but the guilds I frequently mention in various recommendation threads (aka the dream team of The Hand/The Warband/The Coven/The Convocation/The Vigil) are all ride-or-die guilds that have been around for years.

SGC is not everyone’s cup of tea, admittedly. For me it’s perfect because I don’t care much for quantity, so a small close-knit and supportive environment is perfect for me. Since I’m lucky to be in a truly fantastic guild, the realm’s size doesn’t negatively affect my ability to find RP; on the contrary, more often than not I find myself with my WoW time absolutely packed with RP opportunities.

So yeah. SGC is pretty awesome imho.


…What the Sin’dorei (plural) said. :slightly_smiling_face:

We have/had a battletag community thing that might make spontaneous RP (regardless of which character one is logged in on) more accessible, but I think there were some changes lately, so I’m not sure what its status is right now. If I recall correctly, there’s a thread about it here somewhere… :thinking:

:blue_heart: Sha’glade Cartel :heart:


Am on AD myself and am getting a little tired of the politics on the server and am looking for something a little more personal.


In that case, give us a try :slightly_smiling_face:

I am not very well versed in the SGC RP guilds, but I know first hand that The Botany Band on Alliance side is very nice, they are a warm and welcoming bunch, and their (weekly?) events are always entertaining and intriguing.

Horde side, the Hand of the Titans are a lovely group.

I have a shamefully inactive alt in the Wayward Vagrants, and he was heartwarmingly welcomed into their “dysfunctional” arms.

I still fondly remember a joint-guild RP battle event with the Beastmaw Warband, Hand of the Titans & the Vagrants…


Thanks for the mention, Morf! You missed a megacampaign between the Vagrants and CoE, who I can also mightily recommend ^^

As already stated, walk-up RP is officially dead and it is very much guild orientated. Here’s the thread to the guild list and I hope you find your forever home soon!


Oh, I also forgot to add!

There is a server wide community channel and a Discord channel. The latter is ran by my friend/WV member Malcoris and supported by myself and Anrithen, leader of CoE, and used more frequently than the in-game comm channel. As it stands atm, it is mainly WV and CoE members there, but I will say it’s a delightful little hub that caters to all of our memery. We often audio call each other, plan events and toss out calls to RP on there, and of course share all the memes. I’d say if it wasn’t for the Discord channel then our guilds wouldn’t have grown so close, IC and OOC!

But it is open to all :slight_smile: here are links/info to the two, should you want to join in on the fun! https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/moongladerp-community-crossrealm-faction/61810


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