RP Pet Peeves

Lore is too vauge with no timeline to go on and I have no idea whether this character would even still be a blood elf or banished into Umbric’s lot.

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People with a far too young age for their race/class, especially as they tend to be the “very young adult” ages.
No, you are not a 22-year old Night Elf Death Knight, and no, you are not an 18-year old Lightforged. What are you thinking


Cogheart: “Former this”

As someone with a “Former this” part to my background, I find it depends on the rest of the background. In my case, she’s quite an old Night Elf who was always interested in druidic magic but due to societal limitations, trained as a priestess until the point she was allowed to become a druid. She still occasionally performs religious services as a priest (such as my realm’s Moonrise event).

Tyreathion: “Zis iz verri nice. Zank yuu for hafink me at zis plaze.” in game? Why… just… why.

Though not as bad as your example, there is a Draenei in Stranglethorn that struggles with Common. Personally, I RP my Draenei with language difficulties but I don’t add an accent on top of that. I still want people to be able to make out what she’s trying to say. As an example:

Greetings, grey ear. Your people hear voices, yes? They funny?

But then these might also be a more realm specific culture thing. Moonglade’s a lot more quiet than AD and so you don’t get bombarded with this kind of stuff.

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This is probably gonna step on some toes, but Sucubbus DH’s with an overly high libido in capital cities.
Or DH’s with Demon companions/pets.

I really try not to judge anyone for what they roleplay as. For example, someone RP’ing as a dragon can be pulled off really well, but when it comes to the types of DH’s as I mentioned above I just can’t see how that works? Isn’t it their job to be in control of their inner demon? And why do they waltz around with a Sucubbus on a leash in cities??? Wouldn’t they kill the demon on sight???

i am confusion


We do have some not-yet-dead demons chained up in the Fel Hammer for… purposes. So we do not 100 % always without exception kill them on sight, although yes, that is the general way of things :sunglasses:

But I see your point; an Illidari with a demon on a leash - in a city! - better have a damned good reason for doing so. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Atheists… No hear me out for a second. I’m not saying your character has to be devout, I’m talking about those who go around saying they don’t believe in The Light, Loa, Elune and so on, despite having proof these entities exist in some capacity. I really don’t care what you believe IRL, but all these things are observable in game. Of course outliers exist, someone living in one spot their entire lives may naturally doubt anything else exists, but I hope you catch my drift.

The “x-race but actually human”, it’s common and I get it, but it still bothers me how many don’t care about their races culture or even outright hate it.


The lore police abd people who try to make fun of roleplaying in general. Judging people for what they want to play as. World is a stage and sky’s the limit.

Also “That is just bad RP” folks. That kind of people are actually the main reason so many are afraid to even try loreplaying.


If a DH has overly high libido because they’re bound to a succubus, they’re severly losing control over their demon and would canonically be put down by other DHs as a mercy kill before they fully succumb.

So as far as I’m concerned, that is not a valid thing to RP, no matter how “well” they are trying to pull it off, or if they’re not just using it to find random ERP.


I see it happen all the time in certain capital cities. It’s what I’m thinking too, if they’re loosing control of their inner demon, they’d be put down canonically, as you stated.
I just find it weisrd. I’m all for fun and creative RP, but some things should really follow canon lore.

I keep pointing people to the Illidan novel, because it has so much good DH lore in it.
Every time people get the tattoos or vision wrong in RP, which are both small but very important details that are clarified by the book, I just face palm in front of my PC.

It’s sad that such a complicated and promising character concept such as illidari are wasted by the people using it as “sex demon lul”.
There’s so much awesome lore and potential with them. But the aforementioned reputation of them being ERP based is seemingly scaring away most more experienced RPers who could pull it off well.


When I’m in a group and people are talking to me all at once.


I think he means when you are for example a former priest and past warrior and used to be a druid.
Being a former something isnt bad espically for demon hunters and death knights they will have been something before their change but a former demon hunter was was once a mage and a farstrider and a former priest is just daft.

Well i have a Kul tiran who is a fat gilnean but thats just cause i love the heratige armor (though i might make him a worgan again if the updated models look good enougth)

As for me its when people put heros into their lore in a big way like "Sylvannis sees Name as one of her most skilled champions, its like dont follow the uber hero lore in game for rp.

Also as someone who suffers from dyslexia i hate when people get bi*chey over spelling in rp, My typing is readable so its shouldnt matter is some grammer or spelling is bad (Fortunatley my old rp guild didnt care)

You spelled fortunately wrong, Koradan.

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I love how his spelling just got very noticably far, far worse as he started talking about his dyslexia.

But my take on it, is that I far prefer slow, but well constructed responses to quick ones with a lot of spelling mistakes.
Having dyslexia doesn’t, in my opinion, excuse poor RP. I’ve met plenty of people having it and their spelling was just fine, even if they were a tad on the slower end with responses.

It can be done, you’re not actually by default going to make all the spelling mistakes you can for having it and not paying attention to what you’re writing should not be just simply pushed aside due to having dyslexia.

Read back your text or get correcting addons. Just make an effort. Don’t try using it as an excuse.

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I don’t see why this doesn’t extend to forum RP.

I find it incredibly boring when characters simply say something seemingly twee/cool/evil then that’s it.


Show us who they! How do they say? Are they pulling faces? Any hand gestures? Leaning on a wall? Hint of things they were doing before or after! Adds interest and gives something for the next poster to work with. :grin:


People who put in their profiles that they are Highborne and openly “brag” about it. At this point everyone should know that being one of the few HB that actually survived should encourange you to stay quiet about it and claim that you’re NE even if you rp as HB because your butt will get handed. (unless you are in a group and play pre-sundering that is)

Headcanon on your part actually. The Highborne who rejoined the Kaldorei openly identify as so, and were an asset in the defense of Teldrassil [through destruction of the bridges over the Falfarren river]
Although animosity does surely persist, it’s not quite equivalent to other former allegiances in the setting like the Shadow Council.

Oh, let’s talk about headcanons, actually.
RP Pet Peeve. People forcing their own headcanons on others adn claim they’re lore breaking, giving them OOC backclash or not RPing with them because they do not follow said headcanon.

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