Hey gang!
Lately I've been thinking of trying to make a list of all weekly events that are going on, whether it's on Alliance or Horde side. This is so people can find not just stuff on their side - but maybe if they want to try RP the other side (or WITH the other side!) and try our something new. The list will start short, but I hope some people can inform me of other events and we can fill the list up! All times are server times.
_The Gathering_
Day & Time: Saturdays, 19:00.
Warmode: Off.
Location: Mostly Tyr's Hand Barracks, but we switch when needed. It's just hard to find a good TABLE since the Horde think it's overrated!
Run by: Whoever is chosen to run it that week.
The Gathering is the meeting of the Horde. Whether you are loyal to Sylvanas or you dislike her yet want to still do what's best for the Horde (or just your own race), this is the place to meet. Here we discuss things that has happened, where we announce things, as well as inviting people for different tasks/events that we have in mind.
_The Stormwind Council_
Day & Time: Tuesdays, 21:00.
Warmode: N/A.
Location: Stormwind Keep, first room to the left.
Run by: Communal.
Political weekly event that discusses the well-being of Stormwind City as well as a place to report news and events to the public.
_Alliance & Horde_
_Salty Sailor Tavern_
Day & Time: Tuesdays, 19:00.
Warmode: Off.
Location: Booty Bay tavern.
Run by: Ning.
Think a tavern RP mostly speaks for itself! Through the power of the addon "Cross RP" ( You find it on Curse, now allowed to link apparently!), both the Horde and Alliance can kick back and relax, have a drink, a meal and share stories. Each week there is also the "Surprise drink" which may or may not dent your character's ego, depending on your luck!
NOTE: Apparently when trying to edit some detail, some things decided to not really work out. Guess that's the downside of editing a post from the earlier forum's coding in the new one!
I'm definitely interested in finding more RP stuff! Unfortunately I can't make it to the tavern every Tuesday as I work evenings every couple of weeks, but I'd be very interested in taking part.
If there are any other more casual RP events, I'd be very interested in getting involved. I was trying to set up an RP guild but no takers so far. Hopefully with time it'll come. Seems very quiet on this server (although I won't give up! Just haven't met the right people yet!)
If there are any other more casual RP events, I'd be very interested in getting involved. I was trying to set up an RP guild but no takers so far. Hopefully with time it'll come. Seems very quiet on this server (although I won't give up! Just haven't met the right people yet!)
11/10/2018 15:47Posted by TuridasThe Gathering
Day & Time: Saturdays, 19:00.
Warmode: Off.
Location: Mostly Tyr's Hand Barracks, but we switch when needed. It's just hard to find a good TABLE since the Horde think it's overrated!
Run by: Mostly me, but can be others too.
The Gathering is the meeting of the Horde. Whether you are loyal to Sylvanas or you dislike her yet want to still do what's best for the Horde (or just your own race), this is the place to meet. Here we discuss things that has happened, where we announce things, as well as inviting people for different tasks/events that we have in mind.
Is this event every week?
And another question - Is there a place, where the players meet every day? Something like Goldshire, but for Horde players.
31/10/2018 23:11Posted by Fostero11/10/2018 15:47Posted by TuridasThe Gathering
Day & Time: Saturdays, 19:00.
Warmode: Off.
Location: Mostly Tyr's Hand Barracks, but we switch when needed. It's just hard to find a good TABLE since the Horde think it's overrated!
Run by: Mostly me, but can be others too.
The Gathering is the meeting of the Horde. Whether you are loyal to Sylvanas or you dislike her yet want to still do what's best for the Horde (or just your own race), this is the place to meet. Here we discuss things that has happened, where we announce things, as well as inviting people for different tasks/events that we have in mind.
Is this event every week?
And another question - Is there a place, where the players meet every day? Something like Goldshire, but for Horde players.
This is every week, yes! If you ever feel like joining the RP Community channel, you should be getting the events for them!
And at the moment there isn't really much of a place for everyone to meet each day, sadly! Unlike the Alliance (no offense, guys, but you know this is what Blizzard does to you) - everyone is okay to be short-humans, long-eared-humans, bearded-humans, so everyone have a reason to meet daily at a human area!
The Horde races are just far too different from one another to really have one place they all meet. Not everyone end up agreeing that "Yes, this is where all races would love to hang out on a daily basis." - so the closest you'll get is the "/join LFRP" and then ask if someone is up for some RP.
01/11/2018 12:34Posted by TuridasThis is every week, yes! If you ever feel like joining the RP Community channel, you should be getting the events for them!
See you soon then :D How I can find you? Will you have created group in "Premade Groups" > "Custom"?
01/11/2018 13:24Posted by Fostero01/11/2018 12:34Posted by TuridasThis is every week, yes! If you ever feel like joining the RP Community channel, you should be getting the events for them!
See you soon then :D How I can find you? Will you have created group in "Premade Groups" > "Custom"?
This week we'll be at Tyr's Hand again. You'll need to do some quests to phase that area, but it goes really quickly. Then we'll be at the top floor of the Barracks. There won't be any premade groups, but we tend to ask people if they want an invite or not!
If you'd like to have a chat with the other members of the Horde, feel free to join the community: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/y9XpGVSD2r?region=EU&faction=Horde
Thanks for info :) I will try to be on Saturday and Tuesday.
Just want to bump this before the forums changes so it doesn't go away!