-Can the plague affect undead characters ?
-if yes, does it affect undeads to the same extend ?
-what about later effects, will they, if again yes, affect undeads diffrently ?
I asked the same question in the Discord provided above, and in it, Sarvaad has mentioned that it is a plague magical in its unnatural nature, and that as an undead, you may pick and choose what feels most intense or not.
A little recap for who might’ve missed the first evening! Four groups split off, each doing their own thing.
Bal’lal Ruins
The group’s investigations revealed that the local trolls appear to be working in conjunction with at least one Ethereal.
The Trolls appear to have enacted mass hunts of apes, crocolisks, and tigers in the area, in addition to war with the local ogres; these animals are believed to be connected to local spirits or possibly lesser loa.
The animals and Ogres appear to have been targetted for use as reagents in alchemy, in addition to a source of e’ko, or their life force, for some unknown purpose.
Their investigation concluded with a find of blades, both tools and weapons, of Ethereal making - and alchemical equipment hastily discarded and buried.
Zuuldaia Ruins
The party encountered a few animal carcasses on the way to the beach, notably a hydra and two two wind-serpents. Inspection of the carcasses suggest they’ve been dead for a few weeks, the hydra killed in an attack. Bodies were covered in oozing cysts and showed notable signs of Void corruption.
Reaching the Ruins, they found the corpses of Bloodscalp trolls halfway buried in the sand. Signs of being killed by Ethereals, but no ethereal in sight. Yet animating one of the corpses of a troll to speak revealed they were still present.
Strange magical sigils were scattered on the walls of the ruins, bleeding out Void magic into its surroundings and distorting the place. Two dimensions, one location. Ethereals were hiding in this seperate dimension, revealed through the destruction of the sigils.
Revealing the ethereals also revealed a grim laboratory station set up there. Blood samples, various laboratory equipment, a captive panther and a dissected wind serpent were among the things found there, along with a log from Void-Researcher Rashaad.
Rashaad briefly showed up by the end of the event, but left through a Void-rift before anyone had a chance to initiate an attack. A pair of dire trolls were at his side, looking oddly subservient. (edited)
Ruins of Zul’Kunda
The Bloodscalp trolls were loudly revelling, as if for a festival, and the cacophony of the drums and singing drowned out the noise the party made as they took out the drunken sentries to get in.
Inside Zul’Kunda proper, the party wandered into a wind serpent hatchery and were attacked by a swarm of them. Some of the eggs had dark lesions, and a corruptive viscous substance erupted from them when they were destroyed. Sileaux recovered two live specimens by trapping them in arcane stasis.
The ruins were full of corpses, left after a recent mass sacrifice - humans, goblins, trolls and orcs. Their blood had been drained. After hearing his screams against the revelry, the group found one last Grom’gol peon yet to be sacrificed, and were able to help him escape with an ambush.
A Gurubashi shadow priest with a pet serpent around his neck barked orders to the Bloodscalps and cast his empowerments on them; this is a suspected leader. He escaped by stepping willingly into a fountain, which began to glow and undulate on contact with the blood from his wounds. When Feshassa nullified its magic by her own command of the Void, the group found that the priest had disappeared.
Given the screaming and the slaughter were not all too unusual during a night of ceremony like this one, the party were able to extract themselves before they could be overwhelmed. They killed every Bloodscalp they saw.
Nesingwary Expedition
With the intention to question the local hunters about anything unusual happening in the jungle, a small group set out to the old Nesingwary camp. The famous hunter is no longer there.
Upon arrival, the camp appeared deserted and most fires snuffed out.
Four ethereal assassins, led by an unnamed Captain, ambushed the group. One was slain, the others retreated.
The remains of the hunters were found hidden in the tents, their sliced throats festering from some unknown poison. The dead were burned.
The campaign has come to its conclusion after a long week of battling trolls, ethereals, and the mysterious shadowblood plague. From the Savage Coast to Zul’Gurub, the combined forces of the Assembly (and friends) brought the fight to an enemy who wanted to start a new pandemic through a Void simulacrum of Hakkar.
Not only was the simulacrum destroyed but they took down some high-profile enemies with Rashaad, the ethereal mastermind behind the altered plague, O’zek who sought to guide the trolls into a new era, Captain B’resha who led the Shadowguard operation, and a dire troll monstrosity meant as a lethal weapon to be used against their enemies.
Many thanks to Reylyn, Whitegale, and Halfsilver (+ the multibox crew) for bringing this campaign to life with their DM support. You helped make this so much more awesome!
Another wonderful campaign at which schemes were devised, the Shadowguard were routed, and artifacts were placed in hands that would never, ever abuse them. The Irregulars are happy to have been of service slaughtering our way across Stranglethorn and engineering a cure to the Shadowblood Plague.
Finding out what would become of the infected made for especially good drama this time around, for those who fell afoul of the rolls for attempted assassination.
Here are our screenshot albums (about two thirds of them were kindly taken for me to edit by Ra’chee and Dawncastle). Most of the event shots are of my group, tasked with hunting the megalomaniacal O’zek the Godmaker - an estranged Hakkari shadow priest who sought to create a terrible new deity of his own using his ethereal benefactors’ gifts.
I tried to get some of the other groups during the finale and between events, too.