[RP-PvE Campaign] Assembly of Dusk - "The Shadowguard Heist" - 23/07 - 27/07

Had a lot of fun in tonight’s event, with social RP afterwards that lasted well past midnight. Shout-out to the Corpsegrin Irregulars for being great company!


Last night the intrepid operatives on Eredath set out to investigate demonic activity in the area after a lone sayaad was caught skulking around the Praetorium campsite. A tracking party lead by Mohal Vipertail discovered an Eredar sorceror and his minions at the Wakener’s Enclave - but they were swiftly dispatched, and posed as victims of the nearby feral vilefiends so as not to draw the attentions of the Shadowguard.

(Full album here!)






Day three is underway!

It is the calm before the storm as over the next two days the group will begin the dangerous task of retrieving artefacts and getting out before the Shadowguard overwhelm them.

In other words… it’s the perfect day for some camp RP!


Day four - the penultimate day!

Tonight the expedition sets out west to prepare the final steps for the attack on the Shadowguard Incursion. What might they find at the Ruins of Oronaar, Isolon, and Umbra Hollows?


I won a tug-of-war against a void monstrosity with a meager cost of one skeletal arm. And it’s not even the final day of the campaign yet!


Day five - the final day!

Yesterday, one group ventured to the Umbra Hollows and slew any ethereal patrols in the area to buy the others time to secure Isolon and explore the Ruins of Oronaar. Those in Oronaar acquired quite a haul of relics before they made their way to Isolon where the third group fought and defeated a large mass of sentient Void flesh and thus secured the area.

Now they are but hours away before the assault on the Shadowguard Incursion begins.


Previously on The Shadowguard Heist our dashing interplanetary thieves successfully captured and regrouped at Isolon with plenty of new relics to research.







In the dead of night transpired much plotting and scheming: using the demonic communication crystals Mohal’s tracking party retrieved from the sayaad spies three nights prior, the operatives have concocted a cunning distraction for the Shadowguard to provide a cover for the heist. But will it actually work?

It’s about to go down.


The Heist has been a success!

A last-minute addition to the plan proved to be just what they needed as they recharged a fel communication crystal and goaded the demon on the other side into attacking the Shadowguard. A ship of the Legion remnants appeared above the ethereals’ base which gave them enough time to fight with less resistance as originally anticipated.

Once more they split into three and once more they covered as much ground as they could, retrieving what artefacts they could from the Shadowguard. In the end, they were forced to retreat as the Legion were driven off and their focus turned on them.

A Void rift carried them back safely to Netherstorm, just outside Area 52. They’d accomplished their mission, but at the cost of one life: Azori Starchill.

My thanks to everyone for participating in this small campaign! It was an absolute pleasure to RP with you all these past couple of days. And who knows, maybe some future partnerships were secured with this…

Special thanks to Reylyn, Mevy, Rotwild, Mohal, and Whitegale for their assistance with DM/coordination. :bowing_man:


Thank you for bringing us along on this journey! The campaign has been a blast, and it’s been a pleasure to DM for the people involved.

I look forward to seeing what the future may have in store!


Big thank you to everyone for the RP over the week! Lots of great fun :heart:


Thank you very much for having us along. It was a great week of RP and getting to meet you all :pray:


After turning the Shadowguard and the vestiges of the Burning Legion against one another to buy themselves time, the interplanetary thieves of Eredath have successfully extracted their void artifacts and escaped from the hostile alien world.

Here is my full album from the finale event, in which I tried to get a few of everybody - I might make a fourth with all of my caps from camp roleplay and so on later.

This was an absolute blast to attend, I got really into it. Met lots of very memorable characters whose concepts I liked a lot, and I hope I get to interact with them all again.

Until then:


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