[RP-PvE Campaign] Assembly of Dusk - "The Shadowguard Heist" - 23/07 - 27/07

Credits go to Acrona for creating the graphic.

Greetings, everyone!

I’m happy to introduce a mini-campaign hosted by the Assembly of Dusk, starting on the 23rd of July and lasting until the 27th.


The Shadowguard ethereals are known associates of the Harbinger since their attack on Telogrus Rift. Now, information at the recent Assembly of Dusk reveals that they are also collecting Void artefacts for some unknown plan of theirs. These relics are being gathered at their stronghold in Eredath, the once-proud capital of Argus.

In order to collect more information about the Shadowguard’s benefactor and stop their plans, a heist is planned that will take a group deep into hostile territory where the forces of the Void will be overwhelming.


Event One - “Arrival at Eredath” – Tuesday, 23rd of July @ 8:00PM (server time)

Social RP and scouting on Wednesday and Thursday. Feel free to run something after checking with the organiser.

Event Two - “Secrets of Eredath” – Friday, 26th of July @ 8:00PM (server time)

Event Three - “Escape from Eredath” – Saturday, 27th of July @ 8:00PM (server time)

Point of Contact

Sarvaad (discord: foxesz)


There is currently a limit of ~30 people as the number of DMs can only reasonably handle that amount. It is possible to raise the cap further if we can get more DMs (backup DMs in general would also be greatly appreciated). Do reach out if you would like to help!

Please follow this template:

Numbers (if guild):

Current # of attendees: 32-39/??

  • The Starfallen (8-10)
  • Corsegrin Irregulars (6-8)
  • Cursekeeper Association (4-7)
  • Melindi
  • Anquil
  • Valadorn
  • Eraevin
  • Ginafae
  • Mevy
  • Amalthea
  • Maleficatrix
  • Thiri
  • Caleora
  • Starmaine
  • Pellucid
  • Thalenna
  • Whiskers

The Imperial Flame is very interested in this, Sarvaad!

Name: Ironwyrm

Numbers: 8-10 (Imperial Flame)

We can provide some assistance in the DM department as well, possibly 2-3.


Void artifacts you say?

Name: Corpsegrin Irregulars

Numbers: 6-8

I am also happy to help with DMing.


Thanks for signing up! I will add you and close further guild sign-ups (for now) to give individuals a chance to sign up as well. The cap will be raised after I’ve had some more discussions with those who wish to help.

Ohh, this sounds like fun!

Sadly I’m away around that time, but I ewill try to be around for some social RP nonetheless! :smiley:

My, this does seem to relate to my interests!

Name: Vesperine Duskstrider (Maleficatrix in-game)

Sounds interesting and love to take a looksie and join in on the fun!
Name: Thiri Dawnstar.

Big Void Elf fan here. Would also offer myself to be a backup DM if needed.

Name: Mevy Newbrook (Ingame: Mevy , Mevs or Mevina)

Looks really interesting, I´d love to join if there´s still room.

Name: Caleora Darksun (in-game: Caleora)

This looks like something cool AF, i would like to sign up my Night Elf Druid for this as an individual character.

Character Name: Cerunos Starmane
OOC name: Starmaine

I’d love to join if there are still slots left! :slight_smile:

Name: Selan Mistveil
OOC Name: Pellucid

Edit: I need a bit more information regarding the DMing, but could help out as well. (Though admittedly i am not a seasoned DM.)

Thank you all for the great amount of interest! I’ll be closing sign-ups except for Assembly of Dusk folks now. :bowing_man:

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If any space pops up, I’d love to join from the 24th!

Greetings, everyone!

The Shadowguard Heist campaign approaches and with it come some additional details.

Some preparation will happen during the upcoming Assembly of Dusk this Friday, the 19th. If you can’t make it there, however, that is more than fine as we will see you in Area 52, Netherstorm on Tuesday, the 23rd as the events kick off there.

Also, to avoid any problems when on Eredath I would ask participants to make sure they can bring their characters there! There might be some requirements to meet if the player has never been there before on that particular account.

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Tomorrow is the day!

For all those joining, there is no campaign Discord server. Any important updates will happen here or in-game!


Was a fun first day, thanks to everyone for the RP :purple_heart:


Off to a great start, the event we were at was wonderfully narrated and very immersive. I’ve seen a lot of writing styles and character concepts tonight I really loved and will be looking forward to Friday!


Lovely little stroll through Argus so far. I had noodles and got to see some amazing characters. Can’t wait for more!


Day one has concluded!

A diverse group of volunteers gathered at Area 52 where they were informed of the details of the heist; they will be away for several days as they carefully plot their move against the Shadowguard.

First, they have taken refuge in the ruined courtyard of the Praetorium that sits atop the hill of the Observatory of the Arcane. From there, they will begin scouting the area over the next two days, ensuring that nobody knows of their presence while figuring out the next steps.

Then, on Friday, we continue with another main event as we shift closer toward the Shadowguard Incursion and discover some lost secrets in the nearby area. Finally, on Saturday, a brazen assault will take place that will thwart what plans the Shadowguard have, but will they make it out of Eredath alive?


The Shadowguard Heist: Nighttime Company

<Deep in the night, where the intrepid adventurers made camp, one could hear a cluster of bells ring out sharply, a single time. What followed were mere moments of struggle, and then silence. Those who would come investigate the sound would find that it came from the western entrance - and find that the tauren assassin had made camp there. Beside the door one could see a body of an incubus, the head of the demon tilted at a somewhat… Unnatural angle. Without it’s usual grace, the demon’s allure would fade significantly, the body seeming almost weak - the imperfections revealed as the magic had faded.> <Mohal sat but a few feet away from the body, inspecting what had taken off the body - which wasn’t much. All that was of real note was a single fel-crystal, that he handled with a gloved hand. While it wasn’t much, perhaps it is enough to go and thank the demons for their hospitality personally.>

(A small narrative intro to a small, impromptu event I’ll host tonight. Expect tracking and assassinations - and if things go wrong, combat!)