I think there is plenty of need because it’s a pervasive attitude that has gone on for far too long
That’s unfortunate but doesn’t override the fact that other players on this game are paying a subscription and have ever right to RP in Feralas (et al) to any extent they want as long as it’s within Blizzard’s ruleset
It’s probably more reasonable to have your own character dip from Feralas for a few days (for example, this campaign isn’t set there apparently) if you hate seeing these events than expect large groups of maybe even hundreds of players - given the size of AD campaigns - change their plans / the story they’re looking to tell based on the preferences of an individual who isn’t even planning to be involved
Yeah I had the same experience with a similar event. People who wanted to join in joined in and the discord politicians posted a few “ughhs” but ultimately no more than that
Will leave it at that because I don’t want to derail more and there’s nothing really more to add
Well, won’t derail this further. Best of luck with the campaign, I hope everyone involved will get super cool rp out of it and make new contacts or friends.
For Kaldorei, Elune and Kalimdor of course!
And again thank you for the speedy reply to my question, super appreciate it.
And to Perroy: Indeed, everyone of us pays subscription. I also don’t believe that my asking a question in any way prevents anyone from doing whatever rp they want but eh I leave that be. We all cannot have a good day oocly all the time so I guess your snappiness might be due to something or other. I hope it works out for you.
Hope it all lines up! Putting a thread up two months in advance might be a bit overkill depending on who you ask but most guilds have long-term plans across summer.
Dialythe, i’m afraid it might happen that we dont show up. If it is possible, could we be put on reserve or something like that? The thing is, we are attending a campaign that ends a mere week before your starts, and our officers are afraid people might burn out, since from next week or so to your campaign we have 2 or 3 events. If its possible for us to be in the reserve and we decide to jump in after some more talks, this is the setup:
Relogging into the Forums always fixes that for me. Not only does it add my more recent toons but it also updates my other ones. I definitely agree though that this should work automatically…
Because of things that have come up on my part, the dates of the campaign will have to be shifted backwards by three days. Hopefully this will not be a major inconvenience and maybe it will even make the campaign more timely for some!