[RP-PvP] Kalimdor in Flames

The lyrics to the hymn of terror are written in blood. ALLIANCE BLOOD! >:D


Donā€™t know if I will have time or not to jump into the campaign. Have to wait and see.


SONS and DAUGHTERS of the proud Horde!

The ELVEN MENACE that threatens our people from the west still draws breath. It is time we turn our attention to these FANATICS hellbent on the DESTRUCTION of our Horde.

No more shall our tauren brothers be SLAUGHTERED in their sleep in the forests of Feralas. No more shall children be ORPHANED because of the VENGEFUL Black Moon and those who aid them.

Let us drive the enemy away from their lands and secure the FUTURE for our children!

Report to Warlord Tharā€™zog Giantrender in Shadowprey Village, Desolace to aid the cause.

Lokā€™tar ogar!


For the moment, additional Horde sign-ups are closed!

Guild: Startouched Covenant
Leader/Officers: Thaestar, Karthaerel, Kinseloh
Faction: Alliance
Expected Numbers: 3-5


Elf friends! Sign-up added!

Looking good so far!

Canā€™t wait to help heal some of ya!

Guild: Kul Tiran Marine
Leader/Officers: Seabridge & Amayou
Faction: Alliance
Expected Numbers: Around 5-7 people.

We were contacted on discord by Forge from the Order Custodian about this, and have decided to sign up! Looking forward to representing the green.

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Sign-up added!

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Warlord Tharā€™zog Giantrenderā€™s call to arms from three days ago is followed up by a meeting for the leadership of all interested Horde parties.

To all commanding officers,

An attack into the heart of elven territory requires adequate planning. As such I need your presence in a war meeting at the end of the week in Shadowprey Village.

Bring your forces with as many supplies as you can muster for this upcoming war. We will need every advantage we can get against the treacherous elves.

They will not hold back and neither can we.

For the Horde.

Warlord Tharā€™zog Giantrender

When? Sunday, 23rd of August at 8PM server time.

Where? Shadowprey Village.

Who can come? One (1) guild leader or a representative chosen by them.


Guild: The Eyes of Elwynn
Leader: Algar Elkpath
Faction: Alliance
Numbers: 5+

The Eyes of Elwynn has cast their gaze upon Kalimdor and see the plight of the Kaldorei, we shall not abandon them. The Forest of Elwynn will send her champions to aid the Kaldorei in their skirmishes.


Guild: The Moonsong
Leader/Officers: Avantheria
Faction: Alliance
Expected Numbers: 4-5

Edit: Guild tag has yet to change on the forums!


Sign-up added!

I do sincerely apologise, I will have to put your sign-up on hold until numbers can level out a little more. Shouldnā€™t be long to wait at all!


Guild: Clan Stormheart
Leader/Officers: Grahda, Grongul, Thunderlung
Faction: Alliance
Expected Numbers: 4+

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Good to see this campaign is getting more momentum!

Itā€™s almost time, friends to grab your sword and fight the Horde!

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Looks neat! An individual Dark Iron may turn upā€¦

Would it be accurate to say that individuals neednā€™t worry about which faction they belong to, now that the scales have evened out?

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Yeah pretty much!

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Iā€™m just sad Iā€™ll run late for the first event :sob:

Atleast most of the rest of the week I can make!