[RP-PVP] Rumble in the Jungle - Unfortunately Cancelled

if you come along for camp rp it isn’t a problem i believe, sign-ups is more for the actual fighting.

I see :slight_smile: thank you

it ain’t me


If individual sign ups are still open or possibly even open up again for some reason.

Name: Itzama’tul
Faction: Horde
Contacts: Itzamatul (Obviously)

Signing up if there’s space to hang around and be vaguely menacing. Not going to pollute PvP with my lack of skill.

Can remove Tand from the individual list! Meant to come on a different character. Sorry for the mistake.

One small thing perhaps is to reconsider allowing knockbacks. With the numbers being as they are right now it will probably end up with every battle having people flying around constantly, which will get old really quickly.


I second this. I remember the campaign in Nazmir/Zuldazar where someone thought it would be funny to constantly use knockbacks even though it was forbidden. It was incredibly annoying to be tossed down from a cliff over and over. And that was just one person doing it, I cannot imagine what a mess that could end up if everyone with a knockback would be using it.

And also don’t use Death Grip at all.

Devilish recruitment tactics

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Devilish but very smarkt

But none can escape the grip of death :smiling_imp:

well that warrant some sort of point getting all those in row :ok_hand:t3: though one have to wonder if it’s one and the same, why would someone have so many undead mages :thinking:

Too many Hungaro…

How many are you Vely?

re. Signing up as individual on Alliance (if and when the Alliance sign ups open despite the OP sign up post being pretty balanced on both sides). :eyes:

(just posting the signup thing in case I wasn’t clear in my prev post)

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Are you even signed up my friend

Good question, how many are you? :hushed:

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Maybe just 2 as an orc, dunno if my AU version died or not…

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Signing up as an individual.
Name : Saalarah.
Contact : Saalarah
Yasss let’s go!!

Guild Name: The Ebonsworn
Estimated Numbers: 3-6
Faction: Alliance (OOC) Ebon Blade (IC)
Contacts: Angelus
Notes: Death to the living in the jungle!

The Ebon Blade wish to observe the situation and most likely will deal with some Horde in few situations due to their threatening stance against the world of Azeroth lead by Sylvanas.