RP question - what are prot warriors lore/fantasy-wise

Hello, folks! Thanks for taking a moment to read my question. I reposted this here from another section as I was recommended to post directly on the class forum.

A prelude - I played Protection Warrior since vanilla, and I saw how the class lore grew and changed over the expansions. Right now, however, I feel like I’ve lost the track of it, and so I wanted to know what you people think.

So, as we know, WoW was originally based in many ways on the Dungeons & Dragons (DnD). Specifically, a WoW warrior class was based on a fighter and a barbarian (more of the former) DND classes. As such, at the start of WoW (Vanilla - TBC), while a warrior did have some identity crisis, it was at very least a rather versatile with all sorts of tricks up his sleeve (that back then were not available in one such package to most other classes) like disarm, fear, single target stun, 2 gap closers (3 in TBC), a skill to become uncrushable (unable to take tremendous amounts of damage due to a certain old mechanic), spell reflect (TBC), damage debuffs, movement speed debuffs, attack speed debuffs, 2 interrupts, several taunts (aoe taunt and 2 single-target taunts), damage buffs, armor reduction, etc-etc. It was truly what you would now call a “tactician”, a sort of Swiss Army Knife of a class, that could use a lot of skills in order to change the rules of engagement and control the battlefield.

Later on, as WOTLK, Cataclysm, Pandaria and so on rolled out, Protection Warriors, in my opinion, became somewhat of a high-octane spec/class, with a lot of mobility, crazy head-spinning pulls, jumps, charges, and some quick button-mashing. Was pretty fun if a bit braindead, compared to the intricacies of tanking, say, Shattered Halls as a warrior back in TBC. It was in Legion, however, that the warrior finally got an identity where his specs got a definite feel. Fury was an berserker (not much has changed), Arms became a more solidified version of a tactician (aka a Battlemaster Fighter of the 5th edition of DnD), and Protection… I feel like he became somewhat of a survivor, a person that through his own doggedness and determination, overcame all the odds and lived through the encounter. It did feel that Blizzard wanted to implement the “Battlefield Commander” role, somewhere, but it looked like more of the Arms spec domain, though perhaps I just didn’t feel it properly.

Now we are coming upon an end to the Dragonflight chapter, and, while tanking, I can’t help but feel that there is something missing. My damage comes mostly from bleeds, my most spammy skill of Devastate is all but (almost) removed from the game, made obsolete, most of my tools are now behind PVP talents or among other specs. I am not going to speak about the competitiveness of the Protection Warriors, because I still think that it mostly depends on the player, but let’s just say that there’s no way I control the battlefield or order my allies around, safe for the banter in the party chat.

So the question is - what are the protection warriors (or most warriors, in general) nowadays? I feel like I’m trying to find the trace of any old-school Fighter, with lots of tools to interact with the fight, a sort of a battle-master / sword-master with all those fancy stances, techniques to deflect / parry / disarm and general retain tactical superiority in the fight. But the more I look, the more I see that perhaps now the warrior is a very-very strong and determined machine of killing that favors raw power and physical dominance over the skill and the techniques.

What do you people think? What are we now?


idk but i despise the devastator era thunderclap stomp machine iteration prot has been turned into going from Legion 7.1.5 onwards. Before that it was perfect.

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Absolutely agree here. Personally, I liked Devastate a lot more than the passive auto-attack talent.

Dont bring back devestate, having to fill GCDs just because you want to fill GCDs is not needed for every spec in the game.

Prot is already one of the most spammy specs out there, with close to full GCD usuage and we got OGCD abilities as well. Only things like Gdruid ironfur spam comes close to what warrior is doing on a regular basis.

You really do not want another ability to press - to lock you out of SS resets, from using defencives or simply having to press them or fall behind on rage.

So I will absolutely disagree, devastate as an ability (not the passive) should simply just be removed.

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What are protection warriors - hmm. We should be experts in damage dealing, masters of weapons, and fighting styles. However we dont do much damage compared to other tanks, every season usually 5th in popularity.

Class spec lore and fantasy should be all about the shield. and this is were I feel like there is a lack of consideration towards protection warrior’s, their lore and their place in the game.

What I imagine in my mind is we are the guys that hold our shield up and protect ourselves and others. from massive incoming waves of damage. this isnt the case however, we have block and maybe intervene, a bit of rally cry/battle shout … in shadowlands we had conquerers banner, but it was more arms/fury focused to give mastery to others and certainly not to shield others.

Any shielding lore fantasy always goes to the shiny bois and their privalege. to the detriment as always to protection warriors.

I imagine us fighting in tough fights with big foes with a big 2h weapon, and a shield that we can hold up above and shield not just us but the party., I call it the ‘Titan Barrier’ if only it would be a thing.

Or why can we not instead, in defensive stance not just be defensive for ourselves but also +2 others of a party. Why do paladins have defensive aura but we only have defensive stance for ourselves. It again comes over that we are ignored on the the great map or worse purpusefully neglected. Take the new hero talents, all damage focused.

In lore who do we relate to … every character, all the way back turns out to be a paladin. or a arms warrior. Blizzard why do you not just delete protection warrior and be done, it is clear you dont give a dam.

But I love Protection Warriors , I will not give up on the best class/spec in the game - we are team players that not solely fixated to out dps other tanks, nor focused to out heal other tanks, but to help the party survive horrendous fights.

I also agree to previous thread, we really should have bloodlust / or something like conquerers banner brought back and made meaningful.

its only opinion though, talk as a pinch of salt.


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