RP questions from a server newcomer

Greetings all Trolls and Elves of ZT

Migrating to ZT! New mage on your server clearing the path for druid. So I was wondering…

What are some of the ways that one might go about getting some casual ad-hoc in-the-moment rp situations going? Any tips highly welcome.

Whats the most rp’ey tavern out there (ally side/neutral)? Any addons/preparation needed? Worst clichés to avoid?


Join the RP-Neutral Discord: myrspYY

From what I have seen there isn’t much RP ally side in terms of public shown events as there is Horde side so your best bet is to hold your own events. I like to call out in the ‘lfrp’ channel ingame and on discord when I am going to RP in a tavern, then people will come.

You might be interested in the Cenarion Circle RP too which is crossfaction.


Stormwind is proobably the hub of RP on the Alliance side. Best place to start looking is around 19:00 server time in the Pig and Whistle tavern. As Rushorn said, asking around in the lfrp is definitely the best bet, Discord works best in communities that already know each other.

Don ´t be shy and send out a message or two!


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