RP Rune Warrior?

Hello !

I have some kind of dilema, my favorite class fantasy is some kind of “Rune Warrior”. Meaning someone efficient with a weapon and who has some knowledge on magic (usually arcane or elemental) that he imbued his weapons and armor with. I do not RP but headcanon is important to me ^^.

My first thought was for DKs as they have the runeforging ability and do look a bit like the description, but I really dislike Necromancy so it was a no for them.

Then I went with Paladins, because I also like this archetype, and remembering the old system of seals it was kinda close to what I was thinking if I’m taking out the whole “praise the light”.

Being doubtful I then went with Warrior as they can be a bit of everything, I liked it but it misses the magic (Prot have a thunder AOE but it’s a bit limited) even if I like the dwarf warrior having Avatar.

And lastly came the Shaman, who I don’t really know why I didn’t thought about first. It does capture a lot of the theme (as enhancement ofc). I have a bit of a hard time with them though because of two “silly” reason. Shamans in lore are heavily reliant on magic, which is the opposite that I want (even though I know headcanon classes are not the same as the base archetype we chose from), AND from a gameplay point of view, Ascended (which is a bit of a signature ability for Shamans now) is as unpleasant as necromancy to me. The character not having his strength and power coming from himself but from another form =/

TLDR, I made this post hoping someone could help me in settle on a choice ^^.
Thanks !

Well the good thing is such class already exist since countless years in AD&D it is known as a Blade singer and is more close to a warrior wizzard than any others combinations here.

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So the closest thing would be Paladins ? Except changing holy magic into some kind of Arcane
Or warrior witch enchantments ?

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Dwarf enhancement shaman ftw

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