RP Shard where the Alliance dominate, outnumber the Horde and get all the bonuses

You play on Hyjal, we’re discussing the RP shards. So I’m not surprised you see the Horde outnumber you.

Ye but the prob is it was supposed to be one shard type so would not have mattered, but rp’ers whined, and blizz did a not ideal band aid as expected. Hope for better in next exp! :slight_smile:

So it’s the roleplayers fault that they wanted their RP community to not be filled with non roleplaying players? That makes them whiners does it? That forces Blizzard to rush through a band aid fix to solve the problem? Pardon for being blunt but, just how far up Blizzard’s rear end are you? You’ve clearly taken the view it’s the players fault because we’re such a bunch of whiners on this subject. :innocent:

Now if you want to post something constructive to the topic feel free.

Try to read the full post Vaëyn posted again, but slowly.

I did, try to keep up with the conversation and add a bit more substance to your post as you’re not really adding anything to the thread. :wink:

Would be good to know how many are actually role playing on WM RP shards. I bet it’s close to zero.

Pointless to separate the shard types. Put it back to one shard type. Easy fix because it’s just a roll back. RP’ers unaffected because no rp’ing in WM. Bonus is then fair because truly outnumbered get it. Fixed :smiling_face:

Thats very presumptuous, I wouldn’t mind that but there are those that create RP events specifically for warmode pvp so I wouldn’t want to step on anyone’s toes.

I know, and I have no data, just a guess. But, they could do those events WM off by flagging PvP on. If it’s even happening.

There are other reasons on top of it, like having that community feel rather then bumping in to randoms that makes you lose the immersion. Some people do stay IC in warmode, but I understand that’s the minority. It’s not my job to think up a answer to this dilemma, I’m just merely pointing out how unfair it is when the game strives for balance.

Well, this is a good place to vent!

Realistically nothing is likely to be changed in BfA. But maybe in Shadowlands. However, I can see Blizz just leaving bonus system as is.

IF they were to make a change… thinking about how Blizz are, I wonder if they would want the trouble of changing how bonus works on RP WM shards - because each solution I’ve seen has knock on consequences that then require solutions and so on.

Easier to just revert to one shard type! But then… forum fury from a vocal minority that prob don’t even RP in WM!

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