[RP] The Dainty Damsel is hiring

Admiral assassinated.
Bloodthirsty bandits botches burglary!

Last night a terror in two acts took place in Elwynn.
Admiral Morgan Wulf was assassinated during a charity event before the very eyes of his wife, Victoria, and his sons Adam and Rickard. The assailant interrupted the evening prayer for our missing King Anduinn Wrynn by firing two shots at the back of Admiral Wulfs head.
The suspect managed to escape in the sudden chaos and terror he left behind.

Meanwhile the very home of the Wulf family was assaulted by bandits. Their efforts though just as bloodthirsty were stopped by the guard captain Mr Martin and his devoted fellow guardsmen. The captain of the Wulfsgard, Martin Martin, fell protecting the estate and safety of the Wulf family. Guard Rick Mortens was also killed in these bloodthirsty efforts.

“Pirates have grown desperate thanks to the very successful efforts by admiral Wulf and the navy at sea. Now they are attacking us in our own homes. This shows why the Stormwind Royal Navy is still very much needed.” says admiral Bones in regards to the terror brought to the Wulf family. From her experience this is the work of vengeful pirates.
“The Stormwind Royal Navy offers their most sincere condolences to the Wulf family as well as the Martin and Mortens family.”

He continues “The hunt for these criminals relentlessly continues and any information leading to the capture and final justice of these will be rewarded.”

Our main storyline strolls onwards and despite devastating failures last night, the crew is adamant to see this through. Whatever this is.

Our recruitment is open. You apply via our AA page!

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:rabbit2: Enjoy your Easter, everybody!

The Dainty Damsel events will start after the holidays with a main storyline linked to the mysterious and savage murders of the two admirals of the Stormwind Royal Navy.

Have too much chocolate, much sweet sunny spring and chase that pink rabbit! It might lead you somewhere fun?

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