I’ve run into so much of this that it’s fairly obvious (to me) that “oversexualized lesbian characters = two guys” is nothing but a meme and at best a coinflip.
I’ll grant that assumed guys playing gals has transcended memery and is an internet axiom until proven wrong to a lot of people so I’m charitable to those who assume too much.
On that I agree, but I take issue with folk who assume any female character with the slightest physical description is exaggerated and .
Twitter has taught me – for better or worse – that it isn’t just males playing female characters who like to commission artpieces with questionable body proportions.
I speak only for myself, but as a lesbian I don’t care.
Lintian is almost asexual, she only has feelings for her partner whose player has quit the game anyway. Vielle, my FFXIV main, is bi and hits on men I myself wouldn’t be attracted to. It’s perfectly fine.
I do sometimes see a profile of a lesbian or bisexual female character and think, privately, that it seems far more likely that this particular character is played by a straight guy. But I keep it to myself, and I can’t know for sure. For one, it doesn’t concern me, since I’m not going into an IC relationship with that character. For two, lesbians are very diverse in terms of interests, habits, and outlook — I know that from experience. So I may theorize about who’s behind the keyboard, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
What I do know for sure, based on friends I’ve made throughout the years, is that Argent Dawn’s demographics cover pretty much the entire LGBT spectrum. If anything, the average AD player seems to be more likely to be LGBT than you would expect from statistics over the whole population.
I can safely say with the character I had made at the time, there was zero exaggeration or sexualisation on my end that relied solely on the character being gay. That’s why it was odd, because he wasn’t flamboyant, no over the top descriptions or emotes, it wasn’t even mentioned. I just played a male character and received that message in an emote. Super odd at the time, but I completely agree with you guys. As long as it’s not fetishised or the sole purpose of a character, but I was unsure if it was disrespectful, much like the OP being unsure about playing a character of the opposite gender.
Honestly, and I realize this is off topic and can invite completely irrelevant tangents, but the very term “opposite gender” weirds me out. I’m not saying it’s wrong to say that or anything, and I know it’s historical, I just find it strange.
Opposite by what count? I would understand if one gender was made of antimatter or something, but we’re all humans here. (I hope.) Maybe it’s me being a fantasy fan and being exposed to so many utterly inhuman fantastical creatures and things in the maddening dark that the mortal mind was never meant to fathom that human gender, in comparison, feels like hair-splitting.
It was quite a while ago, I can’t remember fully, but I think my character at the time was having a conversation with his friend and another, just joking around - a normal conversation about how the day was going. Which was why I was confused when I was thrown the random /e my way (he was involved in the conversation between us) but it was just a simple “how’s your day going? cool! ive done this and that”. So I wasn’t sure if it was disrespectful or if it wasn’t the done thing.
Oh sorry, I was just referring to the OP of the topic feeling unsure about going from playing a male model to a female model.
To answer OP, only people I imagine who will have an issue with you being a guy playing a female will be people looking to ERP with you and to be OOCly invested in such ERP, and feeling “catfished” lmfao, and those types arent to be engaged/entertained anyways, so…dont worry about them
To give you perspective from the other side, I’m a woman who plays men because I’m sick of seeing my sex represented the exact same way across multiple settings and alien species. Conveniently fictional females always just happen to have the proportions and features that the males of our species find aesthetically pleasing.
In my case I had some players express confusion when they realized what’s going on but ultimately it never mattered to anyone but those looking for activities that are best left for age restricted places. Just be aware that on roleplay realms female draenei characters sadly gained a reputation for packing down there and you are likely to encounter that stigma from time to time. Don’t let it put you off.
Men on AD love to talk smack about unrealistically attractive lady characters as if they’re not playing 6’4 fellas with barrel chests and a permanent 5% bodyfat with visible abs. The Warcraft setting actively encourages your character to have insane proportions - I don’t blame people when they do.
In a world where you can be anything, a lot of people choose to be attractive.
The thing between your legs is the least interesting thing about your character in RP. A male’s light spells will heal just the same as a female’s light spells will, unless there is some specific gap in training / proficiency or somesuch.
Pick whichever you want.
Obviously some ingame societies are more inherently matriarchal (Night Elves probably most prominently so) but it doesn’t mean that you can’t forge a perfectly good storyline for yourself as a male either, and vice versa!