RP unwritten rule? (RP gender)

People of Argent Dawn, I have a serious question.

Since Blizz did us dirty with the Lightforged Draenei customisations (basicly even less than regular Draenei with added bright tattoos that can’t even be seen, lol), I grew tired of my LF Draenei Paladin (male) and tried out LF Draenei Priest (female).
Being firstly PvP-er, and secondly RP-er, I really prefer smaller character models for healers (no I will not play gnome or dwarf priest) and the lore of Lightforged Draenei seems pretty fitting for that class, could I roll female Lightforged Draenei priest?
I feel weird about it, I don’t want to catfish anyone or go to goldshire and stuff, I simply prefer their customization options a lot more (jewls mostly), and to be honest if I am forced to stare at my light bulb space goats tail for as long as I play, it might as well be a female light bulb space goat tail.
I’m not comfortable with joining any guild because I think people will judge me. Don’t get me wrong, jokes and teases would be acceptable but any hard accusations would be a deal breaker for me, I’m trying to avoid toxicity.
I’m not trying to hide the fact that I’m male OOC but I would love if it was possible to avoid an awkward situations.

i’ve never had this kind of issue, mostly cause i don’t have Female characters. :thinking:

Cool, then play whatever you like dude. I doubt most players give an actual damn.


Your IRL sensibilities and gender play no factor on what body type you RP as.


I think you are under the assumption that playing a toon of a gender that is different to your own is rare and/or frowned upon. Neither is the case. Just go ahead and play/RP whatever you want.


It’s a character. You’re not playing/roleplaying yourself.

Certainly, a lot of people enjoy and can make characters inspired by themselves, or what they would like to be (fantasy and all)

But if I made a female undead tomorrow, it would not reflect who I am IRL/outside the game, or what I think/feel as a person. These two are 100% separate (if you want them to be) and no one in their right mind would merge them together when interacting with you.

I am not a member of a Chechen separatist movement because I end up in one of the factions in SQUAD, after all.

((Oh :poop: , I am sorry Bee/all other undead females for @ you))


Wrong; it would actually make you suddenly quite muscular and a Gigachad irl (source: I play exclusively female forsaken and am also very muscular and powerful with many girlfriends)


Kaitylinn was able to make me laught in this very moment of PAIN.

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What if I play a morbidly obese ogre with a low IQ? What does that make me?

Based on our private conversations it’s just you self-inserting.


How you hurt me, bröther.


Pics or it didn’t happen.

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Freedom of choice, traveler.

In the end, this is your adventure and you may make a selection that seems more fit to you, other people’s reactions to your choice hold no valid opinion as it is your character. I suggest you prepare for your adventure by making the character you enjoy have the options you have selected.

If people truly believe we are the gender we pick in-game, then I do not believe they know much about gaming, especially online gaming, where it is common for most players to be something else than in real life.


It’s kind of a silly question to begin with, as it’s not like you are IRL a lightforged draenei, either.

Go wild man


I know men who play female characters, women who play male characters, and plenty who play both!

There’s no need to feel uncomfortable by having a character who isn’t your gender.


Unsure if I understood your question correctly, but regarding to RP, IC =/= OOC. Many males on AD roleplay female characters and vice versa, but some also prefer playing their own gender. It’s the point of roleplay, when you’re in-character, you can be anyone you want and act accordingly. When you’re out-of-character, you communicate and act as yourself.

And it’s true that female characters look better for some races, I prefer customisation of female draenei over males. Hence my draenei shaman and LF paladin are females.

But if there’s discomfort to roleplay a female character due to people appraching you for ERP more than they would if you played a male character, I’d fully understand your concern and why it would feel awkward. The harsh truth is that there’s a lot of people on AD who seem to be driven to find their online waifu, or only approach people because their chars are females, rather than being curious about a character’s personality or what they do, etc.
Usually if I’ve been in Stormwind on my male characters, I barely get approached and usually have to do it myself. But if I’m on a female character, suddenly people seem to be a lot more driven to approach and the difference is sad to note. One experience which crept me out even OOC was when I brought my female archer to Stormwind to fetch an IC order from a shop in Mage District, and during that one night, she got approached by a five different female chars who tried to flirt with her and drag her somewhere more quiet. I found it extremely awkward to try to explain to them I’m not interested without being a jerk, or finding a proper way to just walk away from those encounters in-character. So eventually I just logged out instead.

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I know plenty of people who play different-gender characters, and I’m yet to see anyone claim it’s wrong.

Writers aren’t required to have every character in their stories be the same gender as themselves, so requiring this from roleplayers makes no sense.


If people actually DO take offence to you playing a female character when you’re a guy OOC…

Then I think they were hoping for a woman behind the computer screen…

Or they’re just incredibly backwards thinking in that you HAVE to play male characters as a man OOC and female characters as a woman OOC.

Basically, like others here have said, don’t think about it too much and be free to make as many female characters as you want. There is literally nothing anyone can do to stop you from doing that.


I think there are also a lot of generally-sensible people, who have no problem with people playing characters that don’t conform to their real world gender identity, but do have a problem when a man/woman portrays the opposite gender in a way that’s very… stereotyped, sexualised, or otherwise offensive/problematic.

I’m not trying to suggest the OP is in the latter category, just that it’s something to be mindful of when playing the character. The most important thing is to treat the OC as a person first and foremost and not as an extension of their gender identity.


Absolutely nothing wrong with playing any gender regardless of your own behind the screen. I play a lot of dudes myself, too! If anything it can be educational in it’s on fun way.
Some people, a dwindling minority, may find it weird (had the misfortune of running into those kinds of people before in RP), but they’re the ones whose opinions can be safely ignored.