Ruination has a 0.575 PvP scaling, making it worse than Chaos bolts

Ruination is supposed to be an upgraded Chaos bolt that you get to cast once every third cycle of Demonic Art. However, because it has a 0.575 PvP scaling, it ends up dealing something like 600-800k dmg, whereas a normal Chaos bolt hits around 1.5 mil.

Is there any world where this makes sense? In its current PvP iteration, Ruination is a downgraded Chaos Bolt that you HAVE TO cast in order to be able to cast normal Chaos bolts again :smiley: . Seems pretty stupid.

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agree 100 % its a very good point actually.

it can also be a sort of a “nerf”, we do 2mil+ dmg with each chaos bolt, and then just a little break of the dmg with no cost of shards, we have Ruination+looks cool, because apparently warlocks are overpower according to many warriors and hunters :smiley:

however, i fought a rogue today and my chaos bolt slammed him for 3.4 mil( for some reason i cannot post a link) which is kind of discouraging. it happened to me before to hit people with chaos bolt that do over 3 mil damage.

i wouldn’t mind if Blizzard brings the damage down a little bit, but boost our survivability and buff Drain life… and maybe smaller chaos bolt casts, yes ?

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