Unable to progress quest due to Tower Inquisitor not spawning after picking up the spear. Unable to progress into new content - Korthia as a result.
Solution: Use PVE group’s to phase into different Maw instances to get the Inquisitor to spawn. Worked 1st time.
It seems a specific solution is to abandon the quest, join a PVE group phasing into their shard then picking it up again.
Thanks for the reply, I will try this evening when I finish work. Just to clarify, by PVE group you’re referring to a party without WM on?
Yes it appears to be so. A comment below this one: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=60289/rule-3-trust-is-earned#comments:id=5218366:reply=1500587 also says to just keep phasing until you meet an unbugged state as well.
Can verify, this worked, OR its been fixed now. =]
Thanks for the help. <3
Can confirm this is still bugged and not fixed since I reported it last week. I did join a group and zone in, saw the quest item, clicked it, watched the cinematic but it doesn’t award progress.
Tending to wilderseeds was fixed in the Ardenweald campaign, but now the Maw campaign is force stopping players from playing through it for the renown rewards.
Worked for me this morning after maintenance. So that seems to sort it at least temporarily.