I tried making a /run macro to open half my bags so i could have a less cluttered screen with default bags, but its not possible due to /run causing this : https://imgur.com/a/Ama5dAE
I did this with 0 addons btw, and i have tried resetting the entire thing, to the point where i get toturials like im new to the game
/run is for running lua code, any lua code including WoW addon API. Sometimes that API is changed and old macros with /run won’t work until they are updated in accordance to what was changed. You need to provide the actual macro here so we can help fixing it.
The error suggest you are trying to run a function that can only be run by addons Blizzard created. Not by macros or third party addons.
Im doing Togglebag, i want to have 2 bag buttons, one to open backpack + 2 & another one to open 2 + reagent bag to make my screen less cluttered, but i get that error no matter what way i do it it seems
Its a Togglebag macro to open half my bags instead of all, into 2 buttons!
The macro : /run ToggleBag(2) ToggleBag(1) ToggleBag(0)
The 2nd Macro : /run ToggleBag(5) ToggleBag(4) ToggleBag(3)
I don’t see a problem with your macros and just tested them myself and they work perfectly fine for me.
The error message you get is usually a result of an addon. Have you tried to run the game without addons and see if that helps. By that i mean make a backup copy of your interface folder (so you can restore it later) then delete it. Simply turning off addons on the character screen does not completely disable them.
I did, didnt seem to work, though i didnt back it up since my addons are bassicly just dbm & threatplates for the most part, so no important data lost, i even went through the process where it would reset everything, including ui
Strange, its not really too big of a deal, i found a sulotion that works for me
Strange, only thing i could suggest would be to install a bug-grabber addon so we could see the full error and then we could possibly pinpoint the issue then. I usually use BugSack and !BugGrabber from WoWInterface.
But if you have found a working solution then all is good and no point messing with it.