Rune of the Fallen Crusader, Remove?

Something that has been bugging me for a while now as a 2H Frost player, is how much difference it makes having Rune of the Fallen Crusader proc vs not during PoF. It is another one of those procs i need to rely on in order to do decent damage.

However if it was removed, and the class rebalanced around not having it, would open up a lot of new ways to use Runeforging.

Suddenly i can use Rune of Razorice as a 2H frost, and then it opens up a lot of new talent combinations. Or UH could use Rune of Hysteria for that extra RP generation etc.

What do you think?

I think 2 hand should add second rune like one major and one minor.

Well tbh all of runeforging is such a boring “set and forget” aspect of the class.

All 3 specs rely heavily on it, removing it without rebalancing is of course not a good idea, like you said.

Maybe the effect could become a central talent on the class tree?

Generally, together with an overhaul for the entire class, I’d like to see a more creative use of rune forging, outside of them being enchants.


Agreed. Runeforging needs to be less restrictive and more creatively open. Having Rune of the Fallen Crusader being a talent is a very good start.

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I miss leggo weapons from legion

But the moment u use 1handed it becomes a thing.

The same as if it was removed. The next thing would become the only option.

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