According to post from 07/15/2022:
“Rune Strike is intended to only be available prior to choosing a spec. Each of the specs first talent choices should replace Rune Strike. This will be fixed in a future build.”
We are like couple of builds later and for now on beta or on ptr it’s just still its own spell. I hope this will be addressed, as for right now it’s a spell that no one will use. It is only a good ability to teach new DKs the basics of Runes/RP system.
Apart of that, the post says our first talents will replace it. The problem is, Rune Strike is a rune spender, but on the Frost Talent tree the first point is Frost Strike, a RP spender.
It looks like FDK’s will be left without any Rune spender to generate RP to just use their main ability.
We as a Frost DKs were neglected long enough because “our tree is just fine” nonsense. Yes, our tree is looking really promising, but that doesn’t mean there are no flaws there. I really hope that there will be some shuffling regarding some talents (Obliterate as a staring point, Cold Heart not being a node before EWR etc.).
I just wanted to create some kind of feedback, to leave a mark there that the issue was seen and reported in one way or another. Hopefully some dev will see it <3
I’ve absolutely missed this part in the ability description. This changes things, it can be really useful in pvp, as you mentioned. The more is it worrying for me what they will do with it in the future builds and if they remain true to their words. In that case I think it would be the best to:
Leave as it is, but I still feel like we are rather butchered in terms of what we have baseline,
Make our base strikes replace Rune Strike, and maybe add a pvp talent that will add to our basic strikes this parry/dodge/block ignore? It seems like it’s a really cool thing to have, but rather from a pvp perspective. Or, maybe it’s a good thing to have this kind of talent in our class tree? That would also be nice.
The new tree looks promising, but the major gripe is that you cannot have Might of the Frozen Wastes and Obliteration During the prepatch, which is essentially necissary to make 2H frost work in the first place.
MotFW should be baseline. It’s ridiculous to pick a talent just to be able to play with 2H weapon.
I think that Frostwyrm’s Fury should be more accessible, it’s such a cool, iconic ability. Also, in my opinion Glacial Advance would be better if it was shaped like a cone, it’s too narrow in my opinion.
Apart of those few points, FDK tree is in really good shape right now, let’s hope the devs will polish it a little bit more and it will be fantastic
I agree with you 100%, but I would really love to see the talents buffing Frost Strike/Oblit to also buff Glacial Advance/ Frostscythe.
These buff talents seem so pointless to have when trying to do aoe with Obliteration build =P
Agreed, Frost Scythe should benefit from all, or at least some of the Obliterate buffs. As for Glacial Advance being empowered by Frost Strike talents, it’s a little bit more complicated, since now the two have a little bit different functions - one can apply Razorice stacks, the other one will consume them, that’s why I thought that it’s better to make Frost Strike hit 2 additional target when inside of DnD. It would scale beautifully with Shattering Strike, consuming those Razorice stacks.