I’m not a huge RP’er, but still my characters and theyr personality and “sense” means a lot to me.
I am also an altoholic, and now that DK’s are going to be put to allied races I think I will racechange it to either Dark Iron dwaf or Kul Tiran. The oher race will be a shaman.
I don’t really like playing the whole Dead ressurected guy tho, so even if I play the DK class. this character will be more a warrior that meddles with old occult runic magic. (Maybe drust related if Kul tiran, or something runemagic related if Dark iron.) Maybe sometihng found during archeology.
But what makes more sense ?
A Dark Iron shaman, and a Kul tiran Drust-RuneWarrior?
or a Kul Tiran Shaman and a Dark Iron runecaster ?
Blood/bone shaman as a BDK… several culture considered the blood and bones as important part of the ritual - the haitian voodoo still uses some human blood, chicken and goat blood and uses bones/bone dust to ward off spirits or put curses, call spirits and so on… could work
The rune-cravers in Stormheim cut deep with their ritual knifes to crave runs on them or on the enemy and uses shadows and blood, sooo…
The Unholy DK skill palette with the shadows and diseases… could be interpreted as a whithering curse of a shaman (or “death druid”, focusing the death and decay, illenes part of nature, the Cycle includes Death not just Life, part of the natural order)
The Forst DK… maybe a specilazied branch of shaman, who embraced the power and might of cold wind, icy water, frozen earth and… frost and ice that burns like fire - okay maybe the last one is a bit of a strech, but three element out of four is not that bad
I diddnt spesifficly say that it should be played as a shaman ?
I said a warrior tapping into old forbidden occult rune magic. Like maybe Drust magic.
Where there not zombies rissen and ghouls made in Drustvar by the coven ?
And did they not use occult symbols and markings i their rituals ?
I am thinking more like that.
Runes and symbols carved into weapons or on blood (a bit like how deathknights are using runeforging).
It may even be the same type of power as the current deathknights uses, only it is obtained by finding some nacient artifact, or finding an old occult type of magic insted of beeing rissen and given it from the lichking.