I haven’t played for long I’m just trying to remember how but it seems that I’m quite stuck for things to do outside of my shadow blades CD.
It’s a 2min CD where I can do some decent damage but outside of that I’m waiting so long for energy to build up to each ability I can use like eviscerate or secret technique. The most annoying part is I’m in a delve and there are packs of about 12 trash all clustered together with 3000k HP each. How on earth am I supposed to AOE all of these down? I keep getting 2 shot instantly.
Pick the Vigor and Thistle Tea talents which double your energy and let you regenerate it fast. At least until you get to know the spec better, then you can experiment without those talents to try to maximize your DPS if you’re into that.
In delves, Sap one target and pull the rest with a Shuriken Toss and let Bran get aggro. The Airborne Irritant talent gives you also an effective AoE stun that interrupts. Also use Kidney Shot to stun a single target for some time.