Russian AV premades

The faction split is really horrible on Russian realms, but as I’ve mentioned in other threads, uneven faction splits are meant to frustrate people over time to reroll. It’s the convenience that keeps people from doing so.

As for the Russian segregation the way it is now has never made sense. It’s a haphazard attempt to placate the masses, while making it worse for everyone involved.
It also doesn’t make sense to include realms of other languages (not just the Russian realms, same goes for German, Spanish and French realms as well), in the matchmaking mix.
They were all given their own realms for good reason. It also doesn’t make sense to imply by design that they still need to use English in the battleground chat, when they clearly chose not to play on English realms.

So what you end up with is a social design that’s by design telling you to not talk to each other. It’s toxic, it’s counterintuitive, and it’s isolating in nature.

The battlegroups from vanilla at least made sense in the way that they separated the language’d realms to their own battlegroups. No German server was mixed with an English server, for example. The same later on, no Russian server was mixed with a German server. No French server was mixed with a Spanish server.
So on and so forth.

Then Blizzard decided to get high on censored and threw everyone in together for the sake of convenience, completely destroying what little was left of the healthy social design.

Many people seem to be against realm-only queues for some reason (even though it’s the best social design you can have, including its intended frustrations which serves to balance realms over time (years)), but the way it is now is as far from Vanilla as you can get.

Even the VANILLA battlegroups had split the language’d realms, keep that in mind. Sure, there weren’t any Russian realms back then, but there were French, German and Spanish realms even back then.

So for the sake of the social design. For the sake of the self-balancing mechanisms of the sociological effect of frustration, if they insist on xrealm, then they need to put in battlegroups like they were structured in Vanilla.


Yup. It happens. Not so good in eng anyway.

It doesn’t matter how many honor you take. Because horde competitive with horde and alliance with alliance.

Oh look, undead shadow priest finds something to be unfair :laughing:

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And because of that I don’t mind meeting russian premades that give me free honor. As other horde meets Pugs that actually fight back compared too russian premades…

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Change the record. You’re boring. I played alliance from 2005 until last year. My racial never stopped me from doing well in PvP. Maybe you’re just bad. This is the only reply you’ll get from me troll. Now jog on.

I don’t know, I’m more annoyed by the server delay built-in by the blizzards due to which the polymorph passes and doesn’t care about my kick.

I didn’t talk about this a bit.
I get out of the polymorph, it’s just annoying that the kick, sort of like pressed in time, flies into milk. And it concerns not only mages, but any casters.
And if it was a jamb with my ping-0 questions, but this is a general situation. Although, when a mage after a blink receives my auto-attacks while standing far from me, it certainly pleases. :laughing:

Said horde player. facepalm

Are you mentally retarded or what? Why would they care about YOUR honorable kill grind? All they need to do is to farm more honor than the other people in THEIR faction and realm. Even if YOU get 10x more kills, who the hell would care? Do you think they compete with you for ranking? 2020 and still lecturing about vanilla features, /sigh

Mate, please do not bother, we spent months trying to make these blockheads understand raking process, up to one week ago most horde were rather “winning” AV with +900 honor rather than losing it with +2000 and then cry on the forums BOO HOO THIS BOT IS GETTING HIGHER BRACKET THAN ME :((((((

Are you mentally retarded? As I’ve stated time after time; They get no Hks, and no Bonus honor, they are just terrible… I don’t care about my ranking or their ranking? Nor do I care about efficient grinding in a 15 year old game. All I’ve stated is that russian premades are terrible. Nothing about my honor ranking, or their honor ranking.

Because ChANgEs, during vanilla wow there weren’t even Russian servers, but for activision it’s easier to put them into EU group. They should at least get a mercenary name in latin alphabet, atm there is no way to even identify an enemy player because you can’t read it, though that’s more of a wsg thing.

You not able to read? Bit difficult for you? What did the line before that say? Either go back and read it or ask someone who can read to do so for you.

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