Russian opponents

there can’t be any evidence, even gms said so, no way to tell cheaters apart from normal players, but when you play thousands bgs and do lot of pvp, u see a pattern on how random bgs re plyed, and how russian ply them like they are an RBG team.
take Warsong for example, lly and horde don’t meet mid, they try to flank eachother’s last players, and the team who gets the most is the one controlling mid just after, if 4 go for the flag, u know 6 are mid, and 9v6 is almost a guranteed win
when you play against russians, they NEVER flank, they 10man go straight for the teamfight, and thats almost always gonna be win, becasue they always have healers, most of them are overgeared in the premades ive seen, and they outnumber us.becasue one of us maybe a stealther went for berserk and the fight always happen on the enemy berserk, meaning thats already -1 player, count 1 that went brb or was slow at getting out of base, and one that thinks he can go for the flag, and u know we are outnumbered, russians always 10man teamfight at theire berserking, never seen russian team splitting for 1 second at opener

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