Russian opponents

I see a lot of complaints and discussions about battlegrounds with Russian opponents where chances seem to be quite low to win.
Many people believe they are premades, think they use voice communications or there are even people claiming that Russian opponents are using hacks.
A lot of players become frustrated or having their game experience “ruined” after playing against Russians for several matches.
Like any of you, I’ve experienced this too and statitically it’s true that Russian teams win way more often against teams which are from other regions of Europe. Even I think “Oh no, Russians again” when they are my opponents in a Battleground ( I really have nothing against Russian players though :wink: ).

From what I’ve been analizing and assuming, I’ve the following to say:
Russians do not make premades nor they use hacks.
There are several factors why Russian teams win more often against non-Russian teams. Here are some of them:

Non-Russian region:

  • Play more casual (more for fun, less eager to win).
  • Higher percentage of players with less PvP or tactical experience.
  • Larger communities especially on EN and DE servers (people are more random to each other).
  • Spend less time in WoW compared to Russians.
  • Less balance in the amount of healers.

Russian region:

  • Play more “hard-core” (like to play more competitive).
  • More experienced and fanatic in PvP.
  • Smaller community (people are less random with each other).
  • Spend more time in WoW compared to non-russians.
  • More healers (percentage of healers in their teams is a bit higher and better balanced, which is just an advantage).

I think that the average non-Russian player is more likely to play PvE and therefor less experienced when playing Battlegrounds. Many players also play just for fun and don’t give full 100% to go for a win. I have the feeling that non-Russian players are just less motivated in general.
Whereas Russian players rather play more PvP (or play a lot of both PvE and PvP) and are more eager to win. However, this is really just an assumption that I made roughly based on the amount of Russian servers (20) compared to the other European servers (247) and how often I get matched up against Russian opponents.
Another assumption I make is that Russian players spend more time playing WoW, which also gives them even more experience and better gear in general.
The Russian community is also a lot smaller, so people are less “random” to each other… meaning that they are already more incorporated to each other. They know better what to expect as a team in advance and make better predictions.
I do notice that Russian teams are much better in picking and assisting targets, better use of CCs and play more tactical just because they are better unified as a smaller community.
Because the non-Russian region has a much bigger community, it will lead to more chaos inside a team, disagreements in tactics or even having no tactics at all.

When looking at average matches, non-Russian teams and Russian teams are definitely not comparable. This will also never change, just because of the nature of players in each region.
Each region is playing on it’s own seperate level which will never be the same, this makes the game experience feel unbalanced when they are each others opponents.
These regions don’t really belong in the same pool if you want a true balanced gameplay, but each region should be in a seperate pool with equal opponents instead. However, this might not be so practical as the Russian pools would probably become too small.

If any of you is a Russian player, I’m hoping if you can confirm if my statements or assumptions are true. Because I don’t have hard statistics and I don’t want to make false statements about Russian players.
I’m curious of how much an average Russian player spends time on WoW during the week and if they are really more fanatic in PvP.


Some things need to be clarified here.

  1. Russians do form premades, yet not that often as it may seem. You simply cannot differenciate between a russian premade and a random group.

  2. Not only Russians cheat/hack/exploit but they do it many more times as often as other battle groups. Combining this factor with russian only battle groups and obvious Blizzard´s lack of interest in stopping and punishing this behaviour leads into a state where you meet cheaters in like half of the random bgs and almost every epic bg. There are usually 5 or more cheaters in a usual 40man russian raid.

  3. Russians do exploit lag issues. Haven´t you noticed AV and IoC sometimes lag, but they lag EVERY TIME you play vs Russians. This issue has been discussed many times since inclusion of russian servers into the european battlegroup. They exploit it in all forms of player to player intercation. In world, in casual pvp, in rated pvp. Blizzard has been asked thousands times to remove Russians from the common battle group in order to eradicate this toxic behaviour at least from the european servers, yet they still refuse to do so. Why? There is no pleasant anwser.

  4. Russians have been cojoined into Europe since when? WoD? Legion? This unfair domination in 40man BG´s wasn´t here before BfA. Probably because there were some barriers set up by Blizz or maybe some change happened during BfA prepatch, cannot say for sure. Obviously, it´s Blizz issue and they…The least unpleasant anwser is they just don´t care.


its eu players that hack and cheat not us

Oh, i am sure, that some players use hacks and cheats, on both ends. But you guys got caught red handed. Some were even proud of the accomplishment. The fact remains, that because of this, the rest of the players, that don’t use hacks and cheats are left with a bad taste in their mouths.


ha ha, did you think why Russians win on bg? they use meldonium before the fight!)


Your problem is that you play pve on bg, you do not change the tactics of the team if you lose and you coordinate poorly with random people.

You have a lot of good pvp players, I read their tips on how to play against us more than once, but you prefer to come up with ridiculous guesses about cheats.

Indeed, pvp is more preferable to us, some of us consider this as casual content.

If the Russian servers are separated from you, then most likely a part of our players will go to you, the old players will remember Warsong, Stonemaul, Shadowmoon, Molten Core.


players from aegwynn and archimonde are known cheaters

YOU Ларкус just don’t have right to talk I meet you and your realm people in 3 AV on the row with almost same players. Please tell how you are grouped like this?


Are you joking,warrior?
Check the ratings 3v3 or raiting bg,most players is EU players.
As a player RU segment,I say that professional pvp here (rating arena or rbg) few people are interested.
Sometimes we playing random BG for fun.Especially,there is a lot of Pve guys.Of course, the pvp players are, but not like you describe them…And it’s interesting, who spends a lot of time in the game? personally all the people I know are rarely playing.We have more important things to do in real life than constantly playing the game.You’re just exaggerating.There is only one strong group with priest Pl and warrior is really strong players that playing for RU horde sometimes.But other groups playing for fun:)
Sorry for my bad English.


Dutchli you are plain wrong. I guess you cannot read the cyrillic alphabet.

I just got out of a nightmarish BG, after waiting like 20 minutes in queue.

Alliance: most of them looking for starter gear and a boost from us. HP between 60k and 120k that speaks for itself.

Russians: HP above 150k (clearly ilvl superior). ALL from same realm and most from the same guild. This isn’t your random russian group.

And your assumption is wrong. From time to time I have in my team russian players also. Yes, they are good players, but not above your regular experienced player.

The problem is when you see ALL russian team together. They are forming groups with the Premade Tool - Custom and then queue together for battlegrounds.

We fail only because we don’t use ONLY that tool, while noobs will always queue directly from the Quick Match - Random Battleground, hoping to win - that never happen against a premade with selected people for correct class, spec and ilvl.

FIX? Blizzard should NOT allow premades to enter vs random groups. They should only allow premades vs premades. And the funny part is that always when I’m in premade I join faster than when I’m in random queue. Why is that Blizzard ??? It’s just another system fail.

I guess this game is destined to failure. My sub expires in 20 days and my sub was cancelled right after patch 8.1. Thank you Blizzard for the wonderful 14 years together. It’s time to move on now.


Russians are so much ppl to have their own bg


Just avoid epic bgs, they are hk farmspots for russians. Either play 10ies or 15ies. Save your nerves.

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You speak the truth because i have experienced the same things you have described and number 3.Happens the most,and not just in wow but in hots aswel.Russians purposely cheat the game in hots to create 1 second lagg spikes whenever a team fight is engaged.And i checked it aint my internet and its not my pc either alot of hots and wow players tell me they have rhe same things happen to them so its not just me.:neutral_face:


Hello dear Hauhet! I am surprised that I was noticed by someone from EU players. I can tell you that we are not ready to raid the alliance, I just stand in line with 5-10 of my friends. As you could understand, we are not a ready-made group of 30-40 people, just in the Russian alliance a little man plays on the 40x40 battlefield and therefore it seems to you that we have a ready raid, but this is not so. We win at the expense of gaming voice chat, it usually comes from 30 people out of 40. The tactics on AV are very simple against random players. I can advise you to take the initiative in your own hands and at least write to the chat player what to do. Good luck! Translated using google translator.

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4th epic bg in a row against russians. wtf blizz is doing


I find Russians worse players than English and German realms but in random bgs Russians use teamwork mostly voice chat. They do also cheat I have noticed as i play mostly MW and have been CC a lot of times at the very first 0.1 sec. But another thing Russians do is target healers instantly I find it a tough game when healing as I’m instantly jumped on while my team leaves their healers free to heal and then that’s how we lose. Healers down = lost match


ITs funny how russians seem to Coop pretty well in randoms.
It is PRETTY rare you experience allies doing this, but it do happen.

So it makes you think russians take the pvp part of WoW a BIT TO SERIOUS…for being casual against them just isnt an option if you wanna win…


Well, I read all this complaing about russians…
You tell we coop well… Actually, we don’t. The amount of toxicity in games is overwhelming. I defined a rule in MOBA’s: Whenever there are 2 or more russians in a team, the game is lost at the moment they know they are russians.
Our players really lack an ability to cooperate. I’ve seen too many times when instead of fighting people are just standing and cursing each other.

You say there are lots of russians and cheaters on epic BGs. Well, at least you get ones. The last 2 weeks I couldn’t find an epic BG at all.

Actually, if only I could intimidate my friends, I’d like to transfer to EU servers.

Cheating and hacking occurs on both ends. Not just russians. EU has it’s fair share too. What bothers me most, is the way Blizz handles things in grouping. Why not mix russians with the rest of the EU. It would solve a lot of issues we’re having now on the forums and in game.

I see many people leave, whenever they see cyrillic names. And it’s getting tiring. I think this whole issue, with “us against them” is solved with mixed servers. And to you @ Эльфтенор, join the EU servers, you will make new friends in no time. Sadly you’re on the wrong faction, so we might meet in a bg or 2 :wink:


Ah! A nice idea! Just make names hidden on BGs. Alliance player #1…40, Horde player #1…40. No more russians, no more xenophobia, pure gameplay.