Well…its not us who made this race of prestige, superior skills and dedication into streaming show where they have to stream atleast for two weeks so their sponsors wont ditch them.
Its not my fault they have made it a buisness…making close to a billiom gold depth every tier etc…
Who knows…maybe liquid and echo arent event the best guilds…only the guild with the most resources. They all have ilvl and 4sets that normal ppl wont see for another couple of weeks or months.
I found this pretty riddiculous to be fair.
And him criticizing the difficulty is understandable from a buisness standpoint and ofc you have to take into account also the fact that NA is half a day ahead. Thats maybe why Max is cheering it up, i bet he would say the same as roger if they were x hours behind without even beign able to enter the raid and just watch your competition deleting one boss after another.
Im personaly fine with one mega hard boss for these guys to clash…but for the rest of the players i feel like easier raids are healthier.
Are you sure this is true tho? he might say it in front of the camera, but u never know what he actually means whenever he ain’t streaming. This is 100% unlikely, also, you can’t just blame Echo or the europeans for Blizzards overall lack of balancing, like, comeon…
This is one of those things that was originally aired by certain streamers and then picked up by some in the community but AFAIR it has never actually been stated that this is a thing.
There should be an RWF difficulty only accessible to them. Only problem is, how to they arrange it so only they can access it? RWF only realms to where they clone themselves? I don’t see an easy solution here…
Raiding in WoW just doesn’t feel good anymore for me personally. I have played since molten core release and remember the absolute chaos of my very first raid lol…
I miss the days of raiding from vanilla to the end of dragon soul, its hard to explain but raids now do not feel fun they just seem overly complicated and layer upon layer of tactics.
I do not have a dog in this race as other than getting curve for the achievement i do not raid but i sure do wish we could go back to the old style raids or even the style of raids we had in MOP.
First: Classic is not 15yo (came out during BFA),
Second: We are talking about a comparison between the same game.
Third: what’s wrong with you?
Forth: when anyone cared about the others? Do you? DO YOU REALLY?!? …
Fifth: What’s wrong with you.
Sixth: I don’t care about RWF.
Raiding in classic is popular yes. But no beoucouse of low difficulty. They are popular beocuse game isnt playgues by LFR, LFG and other difficulty nonsense across tiers while gear and content is relevant whole expansion.
If this isn’t one of the most cringe posts I’ve ever read then I don’t know what is.
Play the game if you have fun or uninstall and find something else. It’s that simple, why are you posting completely irrelevant garbage and even trying to compare American and European opinions on rwf the hell is this.
I barely use the forums and somehow it’s the second shet post I see from you.
Pure cringe.