RWF Echo finally admits it: They don´t care about u

It is alarming that it took us 3 days of splits/mythic plus to gear up and only 2 days to reach the last boss.

Hope in the future RWF is more about mythic prog and less about gearing. Not good for players or viewers.

— George (@RogerbrownWoW) December 19, 2022

Max has always been clear about how he does not think the game should be balanced about RWF and it honestly seems like most of the Americans agree.

The Europeans have always been intellectually dishonest. Oh we care about the community blah blah blah.

Well finally. Mask off. Cool, you only care about how the game is balanced for your crappy event. BUT RWF IS GOOD FOR WOW!!

Well how come WoW retail is being owned by a 15 year old game?

Classic Wrath the raid gets cleared in like 1 day post-launch, and the raid is still crazy popular. Especially considering lots of ppl ALREADY did Nax back in Classic WoW vanilla.

The RWF is not good for the game, it has as I have written about earlier corrupted and made worse the World of Warcraft raiding experience and has caused the WoW player base to dwindle significantly. To the point where we are now being owned by a 15 year old boomer game played by dad gamers who have like 8 hours to spare every week where they can neglect their families.

Also, the choice to do splits like crazy was MADE by echo. The Americans did not go to the same degenerate lengths. You have optimized the fun out of the game for yourselves, and now want Blizzard to make changes that will make the game worse for everyone else.

But hey, at least Echo are now being honest, and not running around being disingenuous, claiming how all the changes they care about are actually for the good of the game. WE WANT THE SAME THINGS!! You claimed in a videos where you talk about WoW raiding. Roflmao. Apparently not.


I wouldn’t hold Echo responsible for Blizzard’s game design. Criticism about that is for Blizzard to receive, not competitive guilds. At the end of the day, then everyone wants the game to cater to their personal interests. We’re not paying a monthly subscription for other people’s happiness – it’s for our own. And just as I argue how I think the game should be designed based on my gaming preferences, so do players in competitive guilds argue their design preferences. That seems fair enough.

But I do side with the crowd of players who feel that WoW emphasizes competition and difficulty to a degree that the broader audience doesn’t really give a hoot about, and that this design emphasis is to the detriment of the game’s overall enjoyment and popularity.


Link to said admission?

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I agree. But Echo have been intentionally dishonest and have claimed that they actually want the ´´same things´´ as the community.

If they just talked about yes, we are going to push our own interests, even if they are opposed to those of 95 % of the community, then fair play. But no, they lie and deceive.


Sure, but “the community” is a very ambiguous size. You can define that as you please, and it’s probably not unfair to define it as a group of people you relate to, as opposed to “the playerbase” which is just everyone.
Is ambiguity the same as dishonesty? Those top guilds are a business. Players should probably perceive them as such first and foremost.

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I am very dubious as to where these numbers come from especially as both peaks and troughs seem to mirror each other so closely.

The “community” is a chaotic amalgamation of insanity and incoherent rantings that can’t decide on what color the sky is currently.

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Errr. Why this is so important? Im totally missing your point.

WE DO NOT CARE HERE ON RETAIL go play your game. And take your Asmongold fanboy rants else were.

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Oh how shocking! You need to gear up in an rpg… Maybe those echo boomers should try some real eSports like cod.

I don’t see any problem in gearing taking a month or two

I am sorry but what did Liquid do when they reset?.. Didnt they m+ split?

Wow raiding is dying in general. It is far too hard for avg players to get into raiding as a whole let alone the fact that you need a bunch of people to play with rely on have them prepared etc and the raids are way overtuned. It is out of this world that they think full clearing a raid on mythic should take months. No one is going to have that long attention span for the game. Again months means for avarage players that raid like 2-3 nights and 3-4 hours not 16 hours a day for 2 weeks.

They need to stop carring about the race and tune the raids for the 99% not the 1%. They need to get more people into raiding with making it less time consuming to progress.These bosses for avg guilds that echo and liquid one shotted will take 300 pulls 3 months into the season while they are way overgearing the content.


The problem with raiding isn’t the difficulty but the power gain (gear acquisition). If we’d get 3x more loot the ladder would look exactly the same, as in better guilds would have better progression, but the whole thing would be done faster.

I personally would prefer it since I hate killing the same boss more than 3-4 times, but this is directly linked to how much time people spend playing WoW so I doubt blizz will make significant changes here.

I agree with your post

Of any games you had to pick CoD as a “real esport” Ican’t :rofl:

Who the **** cares about a bunch of sweaty nerds achieving the first kill?


literally the problem with WoW these days. Too many people care what others do and get for it.


Do you not think sponsorship comes into it. Fame and fortune sweeten the pot in any competitive event. Dont you think sportsmen and women would be in their respective sport would do so without the fame and loot. They sure as hell wont be saying things to alienate fans along the way. “We are doing it for you” has been said by so many who dont even know us just to get us on side.

I think when the end game is tuned only to match the skills of the best guilds or to match expectations of a tiny number players who played the game into the ground during testing, there is something amazingly wrong.

Ok, one can tune the end game for RWF but why don’t you do it before the official release so people watch the show, get hyped and then get access to end game tuned for normal players not try hards.

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That’s because Americans are generally more honest with their views regardless of how they will be perceived.