RWF Raid composition balance

Hello all o/

What is your opinion about stacking certain specs in raid compositions (e.g. 3 arcane mages) and what would you change in order to stop this phenomenon other than nerfing specs? Today i looked at the RWF raid compositions and saw multiple specs being stacked while some specs don’t appear at all. This will for sure negatively impact pugs and maybe some guild masters/guild recruiters who are looking for new players for mythic raiding rosters even though people can play their spec perfectly fine and kill bosses with enough pulls and gear.

I’d do nothing about it. It doesn’t impact 99% of the guilds.

RWF guilds min-max the crap out of bosses looking for the tiniest advantage. If you’re dong HC 10 weeks in it doesn’t matter that class x is 4% weaker than class y.

If one class is 0.1% better than another, RWF raids will never pick the worse one.

They will always do the most degenerate things, it doesn’t really mean the balance of classes is bad (though ofc they still might be).

Never look the absolute cutting edge as a guide to game balance.