S priest rework was not good

its not just good, its great. less bloat for the win.

all they need to do for SP is uncapping crash dot applying, It’s feels bad having to manually applying VT during a big pull while everyone else just starts blasting.


The problem is that empowered Mind Sear felt so good to press , i loved it.

I think shadow priest is an amalgament with no identity right now, insanity was really cool with old VF design but now its just a normal builder spender.

I see very weak class fantasy and gameplay from shadow prieat, yeah dmg is pretty good, but 2 points for shadowcrash to make it give dots? Whats the point of shadowcrash without spreading dots?

I could go on but i just think shadow priest needs a redesign

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Not even a little.

About “bloat” 1 ability was removed.

Like… Aside from the fact that bloat is a mostly overused and irrelevant word, but to say that the rework was great because of the reduced bloat, when they literally removed a single ability is just pretty ridiculous.

No, the s priest rework was bad, it’s way less fun than how it was in s1.

I like shadow atm. I got a cool build for me going witch is a bit offmeta but still pumps

shadow crash taking 2 Talent points is insane and Silence should be in the main priest tree
Also Mindgames is so nerved eaven with 4 Talent points its barley does anything

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