S priest rework was not good

At the beginning people liked it, but that’s because it was doing good damage, as pretty much always…

From a gameplay prospective though s1 s priest was better. Id like to go back to that with some corrections, here’s what i would suggest. Keep in mind that this is about s1 s priest, not the one that we have right now.

1: Choice node between link and sear, this way no one can complain about being "forced " to play something they don’t want to play. You either invest into link, or you invest into sear.

2: crash at 20 seconds instead of 30, like it is right now

3: Some better talent connections.

And that’s literally it, that’s all s 1 s priest needed to be great. Instead we got this rework which doesn’t even feel better to play, because why? Why blizzard? Answer me that, what was the reason to completely rework s priest, when s1 s priest was already better?

The same with the ret rework, mediocre.


I dont know who’s idea was to remove Sear but it was the worst thing ever. Sure it was really annoying when you HAD to cancel the cast, but otherwise it was cool.
Now i’m running around like an idiot in old content spamming Holy Nova as a shadowpriest which feels like heresy.

They should do something with Crash, remove it’s impact damage, lower the cd etc… If I miss a crash because the tank is pulling the trash through the dungeon in m+ it is just a nightmare.

The way S1 priest worked was fun, I don’t mind the utility nerf too much although that 2 min MD cd is pretty insane, maybe a 1 min would be reasonable.

Pvp is a whole another topic on its own… It really is hell. No mobility, and you have to cast pretty much anything to do less dmg than others.


As i said they should have just made sear/link a choice node, and for consistency sake, make link increase dot duration like sear did, if necessary.

Having to cancel sear was only really a problem with a devourer proc, but aoe in general was very good, and if you has to cancel a lot of casts, that’s honestly on you at a certain point.

I don’t know why they hell they thought a full rework was appropriate, when s priest was in a good place and just needed a few fixes.

Now it’s in a worse place than before. When it comes to gameplay at least.

When it comes to utility, i guess nothing really changed.

I still think that p infusion should be a personal cd. They even nerfed it because it’s too strong in group content, especially m+.

Look, blizzard, MAKE INFUSION A PERSONAL CD FFS. What is so hard to understand? No one cares about your idea of “flavor” when it comes at the expense of gameplay blizzard.


2 minute mass dispel

Yea but that was very recent.

Too much of a nerf i think, 1 min would be enough.

And they should probably change how bursting works.

In fact they should probably change how affixes work period.

Too many procs, cant use them all and cast insanity at the same time. They overlap and its bad desing.

Bad talents connections:

  • mind flay talents, while we dont have time to cast mindflay,
    -some talents buff mindblast only, some flay some SWD,
  • sw death not procing spirits is a joke,
    -spirits not getting any value from crit,
  • idol talents bad design, tentacle proc from flay, which again we dont cast much, other one is locked behind 4 bad spirits talents, and lets be real, nobody want to play with mindbender,
    -bad desing dot spread, shadow crash should be a spender w/o cd. make it cost 50 insanity or something, do less damage, only apply dots. Would be fun to manage insanity between pulls.

Personally speaking, i loved legion spriest and BFA crit azerite beam one, DF1 season was okeish but boring.

I would love them to revert Aspirits changes and make them proc from dots crits again instead of casting MB. It complicates too many things.

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Are you talking about now or 10.0.7? Because you can absolutely use everything you get now.

Honestly, id rather take some wasted resources than what we have right now.

Enhance does this, outlaw does this, even havoc, and guess what, they all feel great to play.

Id rather deal with abundance than shortage.

Other that that, def agree on crit scaling with ghosts. They ruined it. I don’t mind it proccing from blast etc, but 2 ghosts was better.

And shadow word death should proc ghosts yea. But only the 20% execute or the proc.

da,da we got 1 less insanity that we could somewhat control and we got rng deathspeaker, ye i can use all…

All the time in dungeons i finish up with MB, SWD and 2 stacks of insanity up.

I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to mean.

Remove Shadow crash.
Remove VT and SWP

add so Mind blast spreads VT and shadow word death spreads SWP.

Then make mind bender last longer or a permanent pet that spreads SWP as well.

Then add Dispersion, Silence and [Psychic Horror] on the priest side of the talent row also make [Mental Fortitude] an Dici/Shadow passive.

lastly remove [Power Infusion] make it hero.

Also make mass dispell remove affixes.

make so devouring plague mass spreads like a big black cloud when you do that near 5 other targets and visual like cascade which explodes.

Remove Mind games.

Lastly add back doors of shadows with instant cast and movements speed with 2 charges.

and make Dark Ascension instant cast.

I think it currently feels great to play. I love the tier set and having a 1 minute damage profile. Every single suggestion I see on these forums to apparently make the spec “better or playable” just sound horrendous to me.

The only thing that annoys me about it slightly is the ramp up time in M+ and Shadowcrash sometimes not being available between pulls that die too fast. That problem tends to disappear when you get to higher keys though so it’s only a temporary problem for me at least.

Dude, you’re like the antichrist of good design to be honest, i remember your name, there wasn’t a single thing you said in the past, or now, that made me think, “wow that would be pretty nice”.

S priest is not well designed, as i pointed out, neither is warlock, but i mean, that’s not really a secret, very few people actually liked the rework of s priest, and the fotm rerollers were only due to performance.

And yea, the gwd change was awful, along with the slew of other garbage that warlock was subjected to since aberrus dropped.

The tier set would have been better if it only worked on sub 20% death or deathspeaker proc, was significantly more powerful, and generated more insanity, now instead it works on every shadow word death press, and it frankly clutters the rotation. As for 1 min playstile, i mean, i don’t really know what to say about that, you like dark ascension more than voidform, is that what i should understand from this? That’s just so crazy to me… Kinda like enjoying static gwd, especially for destro lock, incomprehensible .

Again, you’re like the antichrist of good spec design.

I dont even think this needs a comment.

Can i honestly ask you, why do you even play shadow? Like realy, no troll, no joke…what got you hooked up wtih the spec? And i dont mean now or sl or even bfa… like originaly …what made you think…ye this spec is fun im gonna main it.
You do spam forums very frequently, but i dont recall a single possitive think you typed that you liked about the spec…ever.


It’s Fun to play problem is the dev team does care but not loads. If they did this wouldn’t be the case https://www.wowhead.com/news/amirdrassil-weekly-dps-rankings-first-week-of-10-2-5-337289#:~:text=22-,Shadow%20Priest,-4779

When positivity comes to the class again then its not a concern of the devs to know.

pointing out that something is not fun to rotations is what am trying to point out they should make a 4th specc for void form and a normal 3rd specc for shadow.

One that focuses on Mind bender and one that focuses on the turret specc void bolt.

Like paladin has cleave on their Judgment hits 3 targets maybe they should make [Vampiric Touch] hit 3 targets instead of 1. Shadow crash is the problem its not fun to applie.

They are so focused on having so many buttons choices rather than to focuses on the chore of the class I know shadow can probably do loads of dps its not the problem its the too much buttons rotation feels so slow compared to a 1 button mash aoe melee class.

I like shadow theme its just frustrating the devs aren’t trying to make aoe situations feel rewarding like a divine storm or mage blizzard.

Also having to toss a dps CD on another guy feels like sad with no rewards for it what so ever paladin got combat ress when will priest get Hero like hunter and mage and shamana etc has.

The devs have so much competence gone to waste

Also having to specc silence in a dps three feels sad. meanwhile other classes gets silence across the left side talent three.

To be honest, just make erruption a spender that explodes and dot all mobs in a priest range, make dots do zero dmg and only work for Spirits and Psychic link cleave.

Dots are pain in the assets and handicap shadow so much. Chainpulling is a joke.

Problem is Shadow crash doesn’t fit the current pull everything metas Mind sear did fit but then you were a turret this problem has been a part of shadow priest for awhile.

They should take what works from Mind bender cleave and Bm hunters cleave and also take affliction’s dot spread of to every targets like they can make priest so much more fun to play.

Mind games shadow crash and void bolt feels like an after though when it comes to priest they should reinvent shadow for the next expack make dot spread and keeping up an not work. Make it more fun.

The problem with this expack is when there is 20 adds and you have a CD on shadow crash no chance of dot spreading more than 8 adds when it comes off CD.

They should remove shadow crash having to even use it for 2 talents feels sad.

Also make Silence an priest talent not an shadow talent.

Shadowlands was fun but also boring turret specc.

Either reinvent the class as a whole and care more for dot spread.

A lot of people mix the feeling of a good specc and a OP specc, take the version of shadow most people dislike tune the numbers that you are by far the top DPS and people will say
It plays great

I find the version we got not too bad for theplayfeeling, (i mostly play PvP)
You can adjust the playstyle a bit with Talents witch was way worst

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I miss cata, that’s all I’m going to say.

With no Mind Sear I was effectively forced to use Holy Nova instead, as an SP, to AoE lots of trash mobs for older content :stuck_out_tongue: