S1 gear cost reduction


Does anyone actualy know when the cost of the season 1 gear will be reduced and how much it will end up costing? I’m currently just hording points and I’m probably not the only one waiting for some more details about this announcement.

At the end of season 1, or the start of season 2. I’m not sure. Neither is blizztard.
Probably the latter, when they converted all your arena points into honor. Sounds like a blizztard move.

~13% less if they follow the same pattern as OG TBC.

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The cost of Season 1 items is currently on the ptr. It is 500 for shoulders / 900 for chest and head and legs / 1750 for mainhand weapon.


Where is the S1 vendor on PTR? I searched here and there and couldt find him

The S1 gear (and S2) can be found at Area52.
The cost of S1 has been lowered by ~50%.

What’s the name of the vendor? I see 4 npcs in the gladiator building and none of them are selling gear for honor. 2 (Krixel and Lenni) are not selling anything, but are marked as ‘Arena Vendor’.

Area 52 next to the s2 vendor.

It’s still with arena points, not honor.

Oh I see. But it will be honor on live, right?

No it will be arena points, at least that’s how it was back in the day and when S3 comes you can get S1 with honor

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Why would u spend arena points with outdated gear? That makes no sense and i dont remember being like that

for the gear that required rating, like shoulders and weapons

Ok that makes more sense since u need specific rating to get those items

Arena point wipe is at end of S1 or start of S2?

Rating requirements?

You would spend the points for S1 because you can pair it with 2 set s1 and 2 set s2 and also weapons without rating requirements.

Is the honor gear getting reduced too? E.g. the general’s bracers.

Update: checked PTR and the vendor no longer sells the general’s items - it’s been replaced with the veteran’s items. So it looks like there’s no discounted general’s items.

I remember the season 1 arena gear being able to be bought with honor points, but as mentioned before it might be in phase 3. Also, with the reputation items, should I buy the pieces or get the s1 honor gear? I’m currently saving honor for phase 2.

If you can buy the reputation set then you should use your honor on season 2 offpieces instead.

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Okay! thanks.

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