S1 rewards

Wep enchant going down from the original 2400 to 1950 is just embarassing. And people get offended when you suggest that rewards are given out for free. 1950 shuffle is a tough grind indeed.

On the other hand all the sets and enchants lately are so bad and generic that it is maybe deserved.

It’s crazy to me, they refuse to make a nice thicc pvp enchant ever since like 2017 but they do love nice p1$$ flashy spell animations covering your entire screen. But a glowing WoD/MoP/Legion-like enchant, no thanks.

The tabard is lowkey not bad.


They can leave the seasonal illusion at 1950, but give us a tyranny enchant for 2400 once per expansion. A recolor of Demonic or Glorious tyranny, there are a lot of colors and bonus visuals to explore (glorious does bleed while demonic has some smoke)


dont worry buddy you still get to keep your old weapon enchant from back “when it was hard” (an inflated season where you played a zug comp)

Did I hurt your feelings? This is not about difficulty of acquiring but the fact that these enchants are just awful. A Nighthold enchant looks better than these chunks of flying mud.

heres you 3 hours ago saying its embarrassing that they’re making them easier to get


yes but i’m not telling you why

S2 df enchant looks dope, specially on full ultra graphic settings, but it’s hard to know when u only sht post on forums instead of playing game

unpopular opinion prolly but i think the enchant is too glowy, especially on some of the weapons.
if theyd give recolors now, a huge part of the pvp playerbase would run around with this immense glow on their backs. kinda lame imo.

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Sht posting more enjoyable than the game itself ngl.

What is that enchant lol. 1800 is basically a participation reward at the end of the season and glad is unachievable for me majority of the playerbase. And there’s literally nothing good in between that. Good job blizzard…


yep and this is really bad, i hope they will change something, but how it is now, is worse than it was before


A gross exaggeration, Skilled people tend to underestimate how hard these milestones are for the majority of the playersbase. For instance, Dragonflight S3 Rival II was obtained by 1% of the playerbase.

There are quest rewards from wow cata that give a better mount than this seasons glad mount.

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There is absolutely nothing “elite” about 1-1.8k

The transmong gear should be 2k+
The rest obv a little higher.

What are they doing… :man_facepalming:

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seems like you were correct with the weapons. They are indeed 2100 now if you check the elite vendor.
This is currently the reward track:

  • 1800: Elite Set
  • 1950: Illusion
  • 2100: Elite Weapons & Cloak
  • 2250: Nothing (yikes)
  • 2400: Tabard + Enhanced Armor effects

wish i wasnt.

this would only be fine-ish if they give an actual good illuison above 2.1
how it is now is really bad.

To be honest, it doesn’t look too bad imo. The mount would be the only reward which I’m interested in getting after getting the elite mog but I’m probably not good enough to get it anyways.

Compared to the mounts from last season you are right, it looks very disappointing. Literally every DF glad looks insanely good and I can totally see how someone who got at least one of them won’t bother pushing glad this season.

Dunno why im finding this so funny :joy:

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