S4 item appearances - need confirmation

So, I logged on this morning and went to see a good old gladiator vendor on my evoker and I saw the vendor selling S3 appearance items. If we were supposed to get S1 tier set appearance, isn’t he supposed to sell one color of S1 set and elite set be another color?

yeah i thought the same? wasn’t there a votation for what tier set appearance we should get for season 4? yet i see its the same as season 3 in the vendor too, idk man i dont get it

What I saw in-game this morning, was a ret pally who had two sets already. By inspecting the ret, I saw S2-looking items on (that is what paladins voted for). Therefore, this might be a bug after all (for us). Remains to be seen (hopefully fixed) because this is the only thing keeping me pvp-ing this season.
PS There is a similar post on US forums. I certainly hope Blizz overlords will see and fix.

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The fact there are no Reskins for the S4 elite set is frankly a kick in the teeth to everyone that PVP’s. Be prepared for a completely dead season, many wont bother with 0 reward.

Most likely PvE guy you inspected?

There were signs even ingame that S4 elite will be the S3 elite for awhile even if it wasnt rly “confirmed”.
Doesnt rly change the fact that less ppl will bother with PvP due to no reskin.

Kinda lame. Thought we voted for which tier set we would get. Wanted to get some alt mogs. But its w/e

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