Sacrifice baseline for Affliction & Destruction in Shadowlands

Can Grimoire of Sacrifice be moved baseline for Affliction & Destruction in Shadowlands ? Having the option to play without a pet sometimes would be hugely convenient.

Similar to Lone Wolf that has been made baseline for Marksmanship Hunter.


I think it’s fine as it is.

If all you wish is to play without a pet, then take the talent. It’s not the end of the world for your dps.
If the dps matters to you, then there is no problem with having a pet due to them not providing anything else highly necessary except extra numbers.

I say this without knowing the complete picture though.
Why would you like it baseline? Due to a perceived visual clutter? You don’t like the models? Is it for pvp or pve? Raiding or open world? Arena or battlegrounds?
Convenient how? Is the pet pulling stuff?

The only reason why I don’t like that talent is bacause I can’t imagine to play Destro without Supremacy. Also have command ability plus some rng dmg buff isn’t enough. They should add something else like heal or cb dmg buff as it used to be during mop :slight_smile:

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I think that baseline grimoire of sacrifice would destroy fantasy of warlock class a bit. Demon pets should be a first thing but sacrificing it should be optional.

If you have grimoire of sacrifice as baseline, that means you have pet sacrificed immediately and players can easily think “Why should I bother summoning pet?” and I think that is what we should avoid.

I think the real problem is, that right now the talent is undertuned compared to the other two. If it had the AoE component, like in Legion (with having access to a command demon ability), it would be much more competitive.

And also GoSup should be dealt with, going in to the Shadowlands. It feels much more in line with a “last row” kind of talent.

As I said, baseline for Affliction and Destruction, not Demonology.
Warlock class fantasy is not based on demons, it’s based on using borderline evil magic : life drain, curses, doing nasty things with souls. Bargaining with demons is just one thing among many and it goes against some of the possible fantasy warlock class can have. So making it baseline for Affliction & Destruction would expand the possibilities instead.

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I wasn’t talking about demonology. I was talking about class overall and class overall has demon pets.

With Lone wolf turned baseline for Marksmanship Hunter, that’s not a valid argument.

Marksmanship spec is not about pets and hunters tame their pets. Warlocks summon demons as minions and they don’t have Marksmanship spec.

Warlocks are not about summoning demons, only Demonology is.
Being able to do something do not mean you’re about that thing.

Whenever you summon a pet as warlock you summon a demon. You summon Infernal as Destruction and you summon Darkglare as affliction. Baseline pets are always demons for any spec.

Every hunter specialization can summon a beast, but marksmanship has the option not to, because their pet is not what defines them, it’s only what defines beast mastery.

The same way, summoning demon is not what defines warlock, it’s just one of the thing they can do. It’s only defining for demonology.


Hunters don’t summon. They tame pets which they can call. Marksmanship spec relies heavily on long casts of your spells which in most cases are gun/bow focused hence it makes sense that you get a buff that increases your damage when you don’t have a pet.

Difference between Hunters pet and Warlock minion is that warlock minion is bound to the will of the warlock. Hunter pets are not, they are trained to do on command.

To cut long story short:

Warlocks bind demons to their will; these infernal denizens defend their masters with their lives or rain death upon their enemies.

So, you have to summon first pet and then sacrifice it or class fantasy is destroyed. Or simply, it should not be named grimoire of sacrifice because then you don’t sacrifice anything, you are just powerful without pet, which makes no sense.

EDIT: I mean, it doesn’t make sense to have grimoire of sacrifice buff you when you are not sacrificing anything.

Since the beginning, I’m talking about having the spell baseline, not the buff.

it would be too hard for them to balance. One or the other will be much superior which removes the choice.
Lone wolf is better than having a pet, so everyone complains we have no pet utility anymore because lone wolf is 5% more dmg

as a talent they COULD balance it against eh other options, which in theory would be easier, BUT they don’t give a crap about balance so there is that

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Everyone, you’re sure of that ? Because I could find an other “everyone” that like being able to play hunter without a pet. I would like some poll with thousands of participants on the matter, because I don’t believe that “everyone” dislike it.

In my friend circle, the hunters who love pets play mostly Beast Mastery, those who don’t like pets play Marksmanship, and they’re both happy with the class.
The one who complained were those playing range Survival.

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