Sad demo lock :(

I’m having difficulty understanding why we’re receiving a nerf. I’m currently struggling at a 1.8k CR as a demonology warlock. Making just one mistake against the constant pressure from three melee opponents leads to my demise. This nerf seems like it will be the final blow for us. In every solo shuffle, I find myself up against three melee opponents, with rare encounters against other casters. Despite facing numerous melee opponents, I managed to reach a 1.8k CR. The reality is, there’s no time to cast anything. If you attempt to fake cast, the melees will quickly overwhelm you. Even when trying to fake cast, the few seconds it takes leave you vulnerable, and once you finally cast Precognition, you’re already halfway dead. This nerf gives the impression that warlocks are being singled out and treated unfairly.

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I´ve not personally encountered many demo locks in my games this season but i have vietnam flashbacks from the demo meta so i will admit that im actually quite glad it was nerfed before it became a problem.

I´ve no idea if those nerfs are harsh or not, it dident look too bad? i suppose the fel obelisk nerf is really big at 50% but im sure you can just play something else instead.

Do what ive done and you will be amazed at it.
Choose a melee class to play in shuffle to just rival and see from your Pov how easy it is for the melee players to actually have fun.

Most of the designs are literal glue ontop of casters , while you can close the gap 200 times.

Only times you gonna find yourself actually playing and in need of some knowledge is on heavy caster lobbys, but again those, are so rare like 1/20 of your lobs.

And dont worry about the nerfs , they base em off of high lvl pvpers and streamers.

If whaaz is getting farmed from rdrood/demo/ele (jaime on ele) ofc its demo who needs nerf (even though hes the cc bot) and ele goes literally brrrrrr whole games … But ye…

Tldr roll a melee for shuffle, #ezlife #nopressure , #youcanzugwith200mistakesstillokay

Fun fact , i play casually and getting rival every season on many classes/specs to get the mogs i like, guess what, melee ones are almost always the easiest to get with very few exceptions skillwise/lobbywise.

Peace m8

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