Sad ENHA life

‘‘For Enhancement, we’ve generally been pleased with the state and talent diversity of their specialization tree, so we’re approaching it with a lighter touch. We focused on baselining a few of their core spells and utility within their specialization tree to allow for more optionality in both the Core and Spec trees.’’

When will my spec get to have its one-week glory Blizzard? I am your long-term subscriber and I (and many more of us ) deserve my spec to be somewhat decent before the community finds some minor stuff to be annoying and gets the spec nerfed. I know the nerf bat has ENHA carved into it, let’s be real. Stop thinking the spec is good and should remain that way. Listen to the feedback actually and do stuff that needs to be done.

  • swap places of Spirit Walker’s Grace with Ancestral Guidance in the class tree
  • add a direct path to elemental weapons without us needing to take Crash Lightning or Storm’s Wrath to make Elementalist build

Enha gamers, what else needs to be done?

They already made feral lunge baseline but should have talent to give it a second charge and reduced CD. Mobility is a HUGE issue with enhance in pvp, gust of wind is also a terrible mobility tool compared to everyone else’s. Its slow, doesnt move you all that far, locks you into trajectory after pressing, you get rooted/stopped in mid air all the time gaining no benefit from it…
Pala has freedom, horse mount etc, warrior has multiple charges/leaps, DH has dashes, monk has rolls etc etc all very quick “gap closers” which enhance lacks. The minimum and maximum range on feral lunge also need some improvement, 8-25 yards should be changed to 5-30 IMO.
Look at all the important factors for melee and enhance is lacking in all of them.
Mobility - terrible
Survivability - terrible, our only meaningful survivability comes from self heals via maelstrom using stormweaver talent after casting damage spells, this is completely gone when you are spam stunned by melees or kited by ranged and so arent generating any maelstrom… If we had the multiple charges and lower CD of feral lunge that would certainly help with up time.
No MS effect. At this point in the game MS effects are so ubiquitous that not having one as a melee just feels awful, severely limits comp options.
No instant stuns or CC - Sundering is Ok but having to hard cast hex and lasso as a melee when youre just gonna get kicked or otherwise CC’d to stop it is painful.

Damage is irrelevant because we dont know what it will be like in the TWW for real till its actually out and after initial tuning waves. Regardless those other problems are core issues that keep enh as a dog tier spec in arena.

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At this point, I even wonder if any dev even tried playing enhance. EVER.

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