-sad state of the realm

-not talking about era


Absolutely dead. Seeing other players out of SW (i’m Alliance) feels like a rare treat. I spent all weekend in every available dungeon queue, nothing. Crap.


Server is so dead my guild managed to do a full 25 man Naxx run (with all 25 from the same guild)

That’s why: all players but Auntpeg are in your guild!


You know what?
The realm is supposed for them.
The devs already had in mind to

but decided against it for the roleplayers who want to be here.

If you are unhappy - that´s of course your right - do the same as everyone else who is unhappy on his realm, and use the PCT.
It´s even reduced atm!

Guess what? That´s exactly what I did, to get one of my SoM characters to era Celebras (the other one went to Hydraxian Waterlords…).

It´s extremly selfish, to ask for a realm merge, AFTER a bunch of realplayers were begging for month to leave theirs.
You can solve your problem yourself.

They can´t because they are happy HERE - and you want to take it away



I just started on here with 4 friends. Never played Classic before . Seem lively to me I see players everywhere. I’m in a guild with 198 players online as I type this … define dead Oo

I mean, I’ve only been here a few days but it seems to me that it is pretty much a hardcore mode server, no? For people who don’t know what that means, its an addon (classic hc, cant link it), that lets you do the hc challenge: You cannot ressurect your character, ever. No soulstones, no ghost walks, nothing. On horde side, there are now three guilds (two of them filled, so >2k active players) doing this challenge, leveling up to 60 without dying. Also, each dungeon can be played once and only once, and only with hc guild members. So no wonder, no one is using the lfg tool, it’s simply forbidden. Obviously, the hardcore challenge is quite compatible with “rp rules”, so it’s no wonder this realm is the main hc hub on EU side.

Aren’t we mixing two things here? The Classic ERA server (with hardcore mode) and the Wotlk server?

Wotlk wise it’s pretty dead, but I still enjoy it (am Horde side, as you can see). Got a few active players left.

Well I heard from my fellow Lilies, that HWL on alliance is now mainly used as a WotLK hardcore server because there do not step on any toes. Back then Celebras whas also used for hardcore runs like one madman that wanted to reach 60 without taking any damage. He failed on level 59 because Twillighthammer cultists.

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I really wish the realm had more people. I don’t know why on the European side of WoW there’s just no interest in the RP server. NA has a huge RPPvP server and their RPPvE server is doing well enough to hold a good amount of players.

It’s strange that on the EU side we completely lost our RPPvP realm due to inactivity, and our RPPvE realm is much quieter and was only kept by Blizzard so we had an RP option. I much prefer playing on RP realms (and I don’t actively RP, it’s just a more immersive and usually friendly atmosphere) but yesterday I was the only person in Stormwind on Hydraxian at near peak time, and Ironforge had 4 people. It’s not totally dead, and it’s playable but it’s low population for sure.

At the very least, Classic Era Hydraxian Waterlords is really busy right now thanks to the hardcore challenge, but I wish the WotLK server had some more people. Does anyone know why there just seems to be less interest in RP servers on EU Vs NA? I don’t want to have to pay a separate NA sub just for RP realms on classic. Did everyone just move servers? Did everyone move to NA? I am confused.

The reason is in EU the germans are the main target group for RP. Even when the realms where closed Celebras the german RP Realm had with 250 People more players then all the other closed realms together.
But this is exactly the problems. Blizzard let the german players wait 6 months in limbus if there is comming an rp realm for their language and when it whas finally there, most players interessted in it already moved on with Classic or stayed on their realms as they found already a community.
Blizzard had waited way too long and should have needed to relase if not with launch at least when they decided to bring a third german pve realm and then instead of Lakeshire Celebras.

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Era HW is the future. Let’s build a strong and diverse RP community here, and enjoy the best of what Classic world has to offer.

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I don´t think the Celebrasians would come there.
Why should we?
We have still era Celebras.

(and we have currently 2 regular RP evenings, plus one hopefully established soon, plus several dungeon evenings…)

Exactly this.

Even if you take a look at the retail realms - EU had, in percentage, the least amount of RP realms, and one of the three cluster is empty.

And the reason is pretty simple, the language barrier.
RP in a language one is not comfortable with makes not much sense.
And people will more likely play on a realm in their own language.

Hydraxian Waterlords was empty.
They hoped, the germans would come but this did not happen.

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But you’re Germans. We need an English-speaking RP community as well. I am happy for you guys, but HW definitely needs to develop as well.


Started on HW a week ago, I think. Having time of my life.
I don’t play HC. Here for RP and just for the “good old days” feeling. Retail I haven’t touched since I started playing on HW.


I wasn´t sure if you were talkling about the Celebrasians, too. Just wanted to mention that it´s not likely, not that you are disappointed.

Yes, the RP community on Hydraxian should become more stronger, too.
It´s a RP Realm after all, not a HC realm.

But i always thought you had more RP :thinking:

Then welcome back! :slight_smile:


I really hope for you guys you will have success.

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