Saddest Moments in RP?

Insert sad gif here (since I can’t myself) https:// tinyurl. com/y7jotaua
https:// tinyurl. com /kvls82h

My saddest moment: When I had to give my long time character a death, though I’ve gotten over it, I wonder what would happen if I still kept her around, then again I didn’t want to make her a dormant character.

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I attended a story driven event back in October that was really riveting and kinda choked me up a little. We had a grand total of four deaths of long standing characters throughout it. It was really touching and emotional for the lot of us involved. Still by far one of the best events I’ve attended though.

Not sad to me, but back when the Maelstrom Syndicate was active we hosted an event where we mercilessly massacred a Wildhammer village after infiltrating it as innocent traders. Various methods of murder were used and not a single Wildhammer dwarf was spared.

The RPers playing the Wildhammer dwarfs were torn up and emotionally shaken though, along with praising the event.

Nar’zagh: I love my son.
Kaldorei: But what if you had no son?
Nar’s son dies.
Nar’zagh: Why do you play me like this.


It usually involves blizzard’s tendency to subject various races to targeted and excessive culling and the mental/emotional scars thereof. Sometimes metaphysical in terms of the tormented dead.

I firmy believe that blizzard and the vast majority of the players treat the trauma of perpetual war poorly. The sheer physical anguish of even looking at the dead scar or the path of glory can’t be understated. The gassing of most of the gnomes and burning of teldrassil are horrifying events that leave no one untouched. It just goes on like that, and having a character confront it can be heavy duty drama.


I remember killing two* guild members in an event at the Broken Shore. The two players (Vendaas and Loras) played it so well it made me genuinely feel awful as the DM, the aftermath for Lotheridan was also equally terrible.

*Loras later made a return as a villain controlled by the big bad in the finale and died permanently after that was done. Really feelsbad.


I think the first two months of RP with a certain hunter were quite sad, storywise.
And then when they last met, I will never forget that.

I’ve known you and your DMing long enough to know that you’re incapable of feeling sorrow.


When Telia discovered that Toe was dead. He was her first Friend, even if he was a scary laughing skull orc.

For me it was when the guild i thought was my friends abandoned me, made worse when i later found out they had decided to try and kill of my character at the time as well.

Had to be the time Desartin travelled to an alternate timeline and ended up killing himself and that version of his best friend. Made worse when it could have been avoided.

When Nelox didn’t get an A+ in one of his study courses at Scholomance.


I’m disappointed.


When the gang failed to stop Big Chung from consuming the corpse of a dwarf killed by the bruisers of Booty Bay.

He turned to us and his eyes… They weren’t full of fire and brimstone, but rather a cold, dark emptyness. He spoke in tongues and told us he was going to “consume the world.”

None of us have been the same since. The mere memory of “the incident” makes me break out in a cold sweat.


There have been many moments, but the most recent is the blood elven memorial event, dedicated to the characters that were killed IC during the Siege of Lordaeron events (or Drums of War campaign). That was like proper feelsbadman, because it had some strong resembrance with the IRL military funeral honours.


When Rafe died.




When I killed off my old main, Zin’dani, who died watching his younger brother dying before doing so himself.


wow that’s so sad alexa play daughter of the sea

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Almost as sad as a broke as$$ Goblin being called financial


h-h-hey now