Safeguard Azeroth

Are those roles per character (i.e. I’m a tank, you’re a healer, etc.) or per group, or something else?


A healer can choose to deal damage. But there is no designated healer in this mechanic. If a warlock decides to heal you with a healing salve, that counts as well.

But I’d stick to holy healing or natural healing over anything else :smiley:


Sounding good so far, nice n simple.

I’m curious as to what happens when we’re defeated (It might happen!)

So, i’m assuming at 0 health, i’m knocked out/down (Can’t fight, Basically)
Are we out of combat for:

  • X Amount of turns.
  • Until we get 1 health, eg: :heart: 1/5 :heart:
  • Until Fully Healed

Party is considered defeated in an encounter when following happens.

  • No healthy members standing to fight or heal.
  • Enemy has became unable to get killed due to some soft enrage mechanic (it can happen)

You’re out of combat when all enemies are down. At this rate, any party members that fainted can rejoin into the fray by having their 2 hp’s restored. The rest of the health points has to be refilled either by healers, or by innate abilities, such as a monk meditating quickly to rejuvenate itself, or a warrior gaining a second wind.


Noob question: How many HP do we start with when we are not injured?


You can start with a hp that’s min 5 and max 10. But 10 and 9 are special to taurens and sturdy classes.

I’d take it that a druid worgen would have 6 hp.


Someone make sure our healer doesn’t do anything stupid (he will).

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Just to make sure I don’t install something I don’t have to: MRP will not suffice for this? Does TRP have an HP tracker?
(I think Dicemaster does, too…)


TRP doesn’t have an in-built HP tracker, but you can put it in “currently” and it will show up. The only issue is it takes a second to change it.

Dice Master has an easily accessible and easily editable HP tracker.


Thanks Zyc, I’ll take the suggestion!

Yes Grawle, DiceMaster has a HP tracker. As for the TRP Extended, I am hoping to make some enemies talk and react by NPC talk function. Hope it will work with other RP programs.

Also, event is tomorrow, good peope of Sha’glade Cartel. It starts at 20:00 ST, which only will be a small briefing. Please do not forget your DiceMaster addons, for they are imperative for this event to work!

As for the meeting place: We shall meet at Deepholm, at the Temple of Earth. For 15th, there will be only a briefing, and after two weeks, there will be fights to connect up the plot. However, because I got hyped, I added way too much places, so there are only 2 locations to attack per faction. The details will be shared at the RP tonight, and I’ll add a logbook-ish thing to the forums just so you know where we left.

Xarthat and I will lead you separately after the briefing is done, and there will be a final fight at Northrend, so stay tuned! Rules will be shared by your respective GM’s.


MRP also has a ‘Currently’, and if I use that, I won’t have to rewrite all my profiles :wolf: (worgen smiley)

Not that my profiles are as long and thick and juicy as some people’s, but I have many

Another semi-important thing:

Has a location been chosen yet?

Edit: All my questions and points were answered or made irrelevant while I was typing :grin:


Yes indeed, our first meeting spot is to be Temple of Earth, in Deepholm. Don’t forget to bring your flasks to understand one another.


Prepared to bring the enemies of Azeroth to their knees!

The only thing that worries me is the fact that our designated Karzhuk-watcher (“Karzog, you keep an eye on that senile orc and make sure he doesn’t leave any more intel lying around on the floor!”) doesn’t have an active subscription at the moment.

The Keeper of the Lifebinders is seriously considering just gluing all pieces of evidence to Karzhuk’s forehead.


Don’t worry about subscription, I got around 2 years worth of prepaid :smiley: Anyway, I’m just making him a bit distant and gloomy IC’ly, so he can look grim and stuff.

Also, I still don’t understand how I forgot that map out in the open :smiley:


You can also use Dice Master to create an NPC to show up in a unit frame, and make it talk with a talking head function.


Sorry if I’m “stealing your thunder”, Xarthat :innocent: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
The brave, little Alliance gang is on its way to Badlands to investigate. Not a big gang, but we still have a lot of very useful abilities at hand.


We (the Alliance party) meet up next Saturday outside Uldaman. If anyone wants to join us, just show up as you heard about what’s happening from others.


Kalger toils away at his forge, gathering supplies for his mission and honing his blades. He grins in the low light, the dull glow of the furnace being the only light source. “This’ll be interesting.”


If more Alliance heroes / adventurers / participants feel like joining this, the Alliance team will rendezvous in Badlands, Saturday June 22nd @ 8pm/20:00 realm time.


Have fun all, I hope it goes well!