SAFEST Healer to play? (Mythic+)

in my opinion it also comes down to taste and what you re used to. every healer is viable until +15ish. furthermore it depends on your group. you can struggle really hard even as a resto druid or monk when people just fail mechanics and constantly stand in no no zones.

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Good point, although we do have the 10% stamina buff which is quite :ok_hand: for all dem twilight devestation users

And if you think about scroll, extra gold & 3% more hp!

But aye, they do go in the terretory of having little utillity, +1

I have a shadowpriest in my group, but he heals when i’m not available. Doesnt seem to have any issues in the key range we’re at atm. Biggest issue is squishyness when tyrannical bosses mechanics starts really hurting.

Yeah, our holy priest in the guild is doing fine as well in 17-19 keys, so it surely can work, but when it comes to OP’s question, it’s certainly not the safest healer to play, especially for someone who just wants to start healing.

My druid never struggled to top people in m+. Ofc if you have low mastery that might not help but my druid can pump without any problems and top ppl in 2 gcds at most assuming you know what you are doing and had rejuv up on ppl.
Had to heal 136k in a TD21 the other day on the last boss, where people drop to under 10% hp after every explosion. Had to top them in a couple gcds cause the mechanic doubled up and repeat. Only one person died due to being pushed back into volcanic at an unfortunate time XD
Mana is basically never a problem, even running dps major essence for m+.
Can run between 17-25% mastery myself.

Maybe you are just also more comfortable playing mw as i am more comfortable playing druid in any content.


Nobody can dish out as much as ST HPS as monk does.
With a crit/mastery build you can literally 1shot a tank from 10% to max if you know the class well and use traits/mastery correctly.

But that comes at a cost, dont be surprised if you need to drink between each pulls plus crit/mastery build wont help your damage alot.

All healers are perfectly able and viable for 15’s as long as you have bis gear/traits and fair corruptions.
Monk will help you abit more if you have not the very best gear as druid/priest will make you suffer without gear and correct stats.
But be ready to drink alot if you dont have good gear :slight_smile:

Do you recommend flouish for M+? Preferably just for 15’s. :slight_smile:

Photosyntesis is far better.


you pick flourish for raids, for m+ you pick photosynthesis. its great when you have a lot of dmg incoming.

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It’s easy and has insane mobility.

Druid, resto druids don’t cast anything almost, you can be running all the time dodging aoe and have many flexible heals for any situation.

Laughs in healing well major

Always photo for m+
With CW, cultivation, spring blossoms.

I personally find monk to be extremely safe since you’re very tanky with Fort brew on low CD and diffuse magic/dampen harm as well as mobility.

You also have high hps output, at the cost of mana. You might have to drink a couple times between pulls compared to druid where I can keep healing and dps as cat and never have to drink throughout the whole dungeon.

Every healer is viable in 15s-20s and blabla.

If you play with PUGs and you don’t want to wait twice the time, go Resto-Druid.
Paladin is good too, however if you go Paladin I suggest getting Engineering CR.

It kind of depends on your key level, but i would say druid is the best, and i’ll go through all of the classes as to why.

Holy paladin
Looking at the best healers in keys might give you the impression that holy paladin is safe, but it’s not really. If you start getting in trouble and you don’t have wings, then you’re pretty screwed, but during wings, it’s probably the safest healer sure.

Holy priest
Good contender. Does a lot of healing and very easily at that. However it struggles with utility to prevent damage and it does not heal well on the move.

Resto shaman
Does good healing, has a kick to reduce damage on thee group, but requires people to be somewhat stacked to do good healing, so it’s not really safe with double range comps.

Disc Priest
Generally most unreliable healer. If you’re not good with damage patterns of dungeons, and people tend to make mistakes, you can easily have people die if you’re playing disc.
Not a reliable healer.

Probably the healing spec i know the least about. I think it’s pretty reliable, it seems to do fine, but i just think it’s general healing numbers are below that of druid.

Resto Druid
My pick for the most reliable healer. If you’re not gonna be going in cat form and dpsing, this class has on demand healing and blanket healing, along with passive healing and a good CD.
You can just throw out hots all the time, if you have water to drink in between pulls then you can blow your mana and people will always be healed constantly.

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If you gear a paladin well, w pretty much full ineffible, and vision of perfection major, maintaining wings is not hard at all, and topping everyone up w glimmer and holy shock becomes easy, however if ur starting from scratch a resto Druid is most likely the safest bet as hpala becomes top tier w good gear corruptions and traits .

The safest healer to play is…

Protection paladin, no really.

My husband plays prot paladin, and he did a 14 the other day without a healer because they DC’d on the first boss of Underrot. So it’s not far from the truth :joy:

Hpaladin for sure, one of the easiest to get into, and it’s generally strong in any affixes, and the only thing that it lacks is hots.