Same faction battlegrounds -- e.g. Horde vs Horde - like RBGs

There’s almost always something you can do I guess, they might have an advantage other players do not have when against you (being WOTF) but I’m sure there’s multiple other factors that could determine the outcome of your fights vs random rogues

i just told him what to do…he just needs to try it out.

Two words, continuity and immersion.
Not gonna happen son.

With that in mind I’m curious to what your thoughts are on RBGs and Arena, since in those you fight the same faction.

I think It’s a little bit weird to start in the alliance flag room as a horde, but maybe I’m used to it from playing a lot of RBGs in the past :slight_smile:

Dont forget they also got their way by having the backdoor fixed aswell

Ive very seldom played either.
Arena’s context within the WoW narrative is explained as a competition.
RBG Yea… i just flat out do not agree with same faction BGS rated or not, for the reasons stated above.
You have to have some context in a very story/lore heavy theam park mmo.
I mean if you want to just blow people away in a highly competitive environment, be a man and play Quake3.

Solid arguments but why complicate it? Same faction bgs?

Keep it simple:
1.faction changes

Remove factions whatsoever, let factions interact with each other, do dungeons together and that way you also get same faction bgs and doomed servers will also be fixed. If everyone just transfers away there is no point in factions, merc mode removes its meaning aswell. Let me as horde have the whole world to my use, let me be able to walk in stormwind as an orc. The more the merrier in an mmo. World pvp? Let everyone fight each other, orc killings orcs with a pvp toggle or restricted pvp that prevents getting ganked or just yolo it.

I wouldnt mind having racials removed aswell.

That’s fair, I can see how it would break immersion. Maybe a way to opt into same faction instead of having it base line?

To me this just has too much of a wide effect on the entirety of the game, it would completely remove a lot of things like WPVP and make some places in the game void (e.g. Spirit towers, Hellfire WPVP towers).

A lot of people also just like the idea of Horde vs Alliance in general, It’s so deep and embedded into the game, It would require a lot of thought and restructuring of the entire game to implement.

I think the idea of being able to play with Alliance is cool too, but that’s what I’d consider a super immersion break

Yea, the “mercenary” queuing system would be an easier pill to swallow.

Somehow you think that i wont die in first stun, that if i trinket it they just reset and kill me in next one?

I expect nothing from Dwarf, tru.

Yes, and those alliance levelers will quit or server transfer and then queue will be even bigger - horde brain size proven

Then there is something wrong with your gear or talents. This, I’ve seen put in action in duels against udd rogues and work too many times. Also, guy didn’t need the dog to beat em… He used a void walker but also made himself tanky.

That was also before tbc/ arena/ resilience. Now he uses the dog and has about 11k hp

Before tbc? Then i am sorry but the rogue was bad, in classic warlock couldnt survive stuns without lap

Sorry to tell you, the rogue was not bad.
Why assume when you haven’t even tried it?

We constantly made duels where you couldn’t use consumables just for the sake of fairness.

Before one of those, the SL lock practiced this out of the box tehnique with a lot of udd rogues (pvp geared). The one he practiced most was also in the last wargame competition hosted by blizzard.

It’s not really fair to judge something without trying it, is it? Dueling isn’t about going in the meta, it takes time to prep and figure out what trinkets to use, enchants and so on against that class.

I was plaing warlock on vanilla for 6 years with few breaks, in that time i had quite a bit rogues open on me, you cant survive the stunlock, no matter the gear, the rogue has to fail for you to win

You can with the right enchants, you can get back your health with pet sacrifice.
There is also a glue trinket which i forgot it’s name, that doesn’t let the target move.

Having quite a bit of rogues is not the same…
Alas, if you don’t want to try it… sure but don’t claim it doesn’t work just because you think it doesn’t work without even trying when it worked for others. It’s that simple.

Being opened on and training against a class is …very different.

Also, most of the enchants were defensive on the idea of him lasting through that and the “duel” itself where the rogue cried to open everytime and did it. 3 times, he lasted to cs, ks, blind, stealth, cs again etc. against a rogue with gressil

I dont think you quite understand, general theory is that if warlock gets to cast a spell, rogue is ekther really undergears compared to warlock, or rogue messed something up

ok, mate…let’s agree to disagree.

I don’t have time to pester my main warlock friend just so you get sttuborn on something.
It’s why i said…you think out of meta and gear for survivability and sustain but you seemed to compare with your own experience without taking that into consideration.

General fact is that a SL warlock should not lose to a rogue.