Same faction battlegrounds -- e.g. Horde vs Horde - like RBGs

You talking about that guy that sold acc or what?

why would green orcs fight mag’har orcs though, they are allies.
unless you’re going solely by skin color, and if that’s the case, guess what, green orcs fight other green orcs too. its not restricted to the past in draenor, it happened on azeroth too, hello? burning blade, shadow council, blackrock clan? all green orcs that thrall’s horde are actively fighting against. (and there’s more)

Not him,

Zeuzo the rogue did sell his acc. Made a new one, got glaives again and sold the second one also lol.

Psst, said his name because he plays under a different one so no naming there but the one i’m talking about uses the same name so…

Well, technically, the first green orcs were those corrupted by Fel Magic, and they did Battle the Mag’Har, who resisted Gul’Dans attemps at “convincing” them, at which point everyones favorite spikey-hunchback-guy decided to wipe them out.

Luckily, and to paraphrase Warhammer 40k: The Planet broke before the Mag’Har did :wink:

okay point taken, but surely you can see mine when i point out that green orcs fight other green orcs, and have done so forever, right?
it wouldn’t be lore-destructive at all.

maybe you could make an argument for taurens fighting other taurens being unfriendly to the lore, but even then we got the Darkcloud boys whose chieftan (chieftess?) were responsible for Cairne’s death after rigging a duel between him and garrosh by poisoning garrosh’s weapon.

troll tribes are exactly the same as the orcs, they’ve been fighting each other forever mostly for territorial gain and because “My god = better than yours, heretic”.

every single race in the game, including the alliance races have in-game lore concerning them fighting amongst themselves. so it wouldn’t at all be ridiculous to use that as reasoning for them fighting between themselves.

and moreover, the issue here is the god awful queue times which needs to be fixed in some way, shape or form. its more important to keep the playerbase active and engaged than allowing it to be reduced over some restrictions based on lore.

His other character was 4th and there were 6 A teams vs 4 H teams in europass ( my bad)

I can agree that times change but if you look at the history back then, some things should be questioned if maybe just maybe ppl aren’t underestimating and overestimating some things.

NO merc no nothing you decided to roll on the carebear realm and people keep joining Blizz little babies so stuff merc mode up where the sun dosnt shine you want healthy pvp you reroll alliance so we are even… being ahead by design is a bad design for bad gamers.

alright, i’ll just go ahead and abandon my main which i have farmed most of my bis gear on, the artifact i collected in the form of hand of ragnaros, all my alts and all my resources in the form of the gold i have, not to mention i’m just gonna abandon all my friends and guildies, so i can start over from scratch on a level 1 character on a loser-meta faction who is going to be a race i don’t find aesthetically pleasing… just so i can queue for bg faster.


where were you people when horde players of the same degenerate mindset said “got a problem with AV design, don’t like being ganked (p2)? just roll horde lmaokekw”.

Such a shame that old players from ally side who played competitevely don’t come out to stirr some sense into this “by design” flawed logic.

Well, both sides are full of hypocrites, any news?

I honestly believe top pserver players over old players in terms of tbc knowledge

Sure thing, do your research with that but do it.

Be aware though, you might also hear " perception is broken asf" or “dwarf priests are so op” .

It is going to be fun when the ally pvp teams will make opinions after playing and seeing the new metas.

I said after some time because unlike “keyboard warriors” they will learn what goes and doesn’t and how to play against certain racials.

I always start new at new expansions. I think i kept my char once, and after a month or two i decided that i wanted something new and started over again on another server.

Attachment to your character is on you, not on blizzard.

Why are you talking to your self on the forum?

‘‘Me transfer faction idea stupid no want’’ → ‘‘Him make transfer for play game, very smart man idea, zug’’

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It all just comes down to actually wanting to play the game. Nobody wants to wait a 1.5 hour queue for a single battleground and nobody can deny that. No, It’s not comparable to wanting LFG and It’s not fair to tell us to go back to retail, I really like TBC… I just want to actually be able to PVP in it, which is why I and you rolled on a PVP server.

Gatekeeping changes and understanding the benefits of implementation

I don't care how butt-hurt people are over being ganked in P2 and being ganked now, as countless people have said, this the only real way to gain honor as horde unless you have time and/or want to queue for 1.5hr (and that's assuming you win). This change would reduce the amount of World PVP farming and benefit the alliance as well.

Faction Imbalance

I agree there's a huge faction imbalance, but I disagree that allowing players to queue into the same faction would take anything but a small minority of alliance (that was only there for the queue time) away, and I completely disagree with "the only reason to be alliance is for the queues" when alliance is known for not PVP'ing as much as horde.


Just to clarify, when I say same faction BG I mean exactly how RBGs and Arena work, is it really lore breaking if these systems already existed in the older versions of the game?

I really do think allowing players to queue into the same faction has such a minimal effect on the rest of the game.

What I disagree with

Mirroring racials

I completely disagree with the idea of changing racials or mirroring them (this has huge game-wide effects that can be meta defining for PvE and PvP and would ultimately change the game).

Mercenary mode

I also disagree with the idea of mercenary mode, I see this the same as RBG style except my character is suddenly a gnome unless I would want to wait a 1.5 hour queue, I don't want to be a gnome - that's why I chose horde.

I do understand that this is seen to bring more to the alliance - but is it really? They’re still horde, you can’t interact with them after the battleground, they don’t affect your economy, they don’t affect your queue times.

Why It's unfair

I understand some can see this as a player made issue, and in many ways it is (although boosting would have had an effect on this), and I completely understand that having horde reroll alliance would reduce queues but here's why this mindset is unfair and too optimistic.

You cannot expect such a huge majority of the horde playerbase to reroll alliance after arleady having:
  • All there friends / guild on horde
  • Achievements, legendaries, gear and characters on horde

It’s so unfair to ask someone to completely abandon their characters for this, who would want to do this? The majority of people would just quit the game.

FOTM Rerollers

My understanding of it

I do understand that the horde has had a lot of rerollers for TBC. A lot of things have effected this and some examples are:

  • Blood elves
  • FOTM rerollers
  • Boosting enabling FOTM rerolling more

Although I can sit and argue that a LOT of the alliance racials are insane for PvP (e.g. Gnome for warrior, Dwarf for priest and other classes, human vs stealth), the player-base is aware that the horde racials are stronger in more aspects of the game and less niche.

FOTM Rerolling - WOTTLK

The playerbase has to understand that this is 2021, although I love the old game and have fond memories of it, the playerbase is not the same. Everybody is more aware of what's best for them and most people do not like to "intentionally make their character worse".

I fear that in WOTLK we will see a huge majority of FOTM rerollers transfer to the Alliance, especially if Blizzard is planning to add a "Frozen Path pass" or something like the "Dark Portal Pass", I mean why wouldn't they? They had already added it for TBC. This makes me support the idea of RBG style battlegrounds being implemented even more, why would I want to reroll alliance just to be faced with the same problem in a year, but this time I have to lose all my new progress to go back to the horde?

Free one-way Faction Changes

I do think a free one-way Faction change could be very beneficial for this, and lower queue times by a huge margin, but there's a few problems with this...

  • You would have to move all of your characters to the Alliance, TBC doesn’t support having horde and alliance on the same account
  • If this service is free, how do Blizzard control the amount of players that transfer? This could very likely result in the service being paid only.
  • Is the idea of having the service free until the H/A alliance ratio is 50/50 fair? What if you’re one of the last few to transfer, and your friends didn’t make it.
  • What if not enough people change?
  • How would this affect the economy?
  • How would it feel as a player of the Horde to suddenly lose population? Some may feel as if the game is dying.

There’s a lot to think about when implementing changes, some can have such a huge butter-fly effect.

Sorry if there’s some wild structure in this response, I think I got a bit carried away :slight_smile:

I really hope Blizzard does atleast something about queues, even if some people have a grudge against the horde I’m sure everyone can understand that is ultimately frustrating to wait 1.5 hour for a queue and that nobody intended for the queues to be this long.

actually is 1-60secs Q
Mabe reroll and enjoy

yyy right
why did blizzard gave seal do alliance…huh?
It just has to give the OP’s like WOTF and BL also stun resist and we good

Not sure, ask them. Probably because there was such a huge numerical advantage to going Horde paladin for all aspects of the game and in every scenario it was better to be a blood elf.

Even as a horde I’m not phased by this change, I think it was good for the game and it doesn’t really bother me at all - but that’s just my opinion on it.

Whereas the horde paladin seals gave a clear undeniable advantage in all aspects of the game the racials do not, there are many alliance racials that I listed in the above post that are meta / considered to be the best in many scenarios.

They’re also “racials”, part of the design of the original game and having them unique is what makes them special to many, changing them wouldn’t really result in balance, there’s ALWAYS going to be a FOTM pick - their original design was to make racials be unique and niche, and for many of them this is still true.

It’s really the community that determines how much “value” a racial would bring them, and It’s usually dependant on the type of content they do.

Some examples are:

  • Night elf (Shadowmeld) for base sitting bgs, for drinking/eating in stealth)
  • Gnome (Escape Artist) for breaking roots as a warrior
  • Human (Perception) for fighting stealth classes
  • Dwarf (Stoneform) for immuning poisons, bleeds, etc.
  • Undead (WoTF) vs Warlocks (a TBC meta choice).
  • Orc vs stuns

I appreciate you not caring that people put countless hours into their character, have friends on the horde, and simply chose the races because blizzard gave them the choice. But saying “just reroll” isn’t really productive, I’ve already explained why the majority of players do not want to, if you fail to read and understand this then what else should I say?

I am sure that they are really good in some mu, but i am warlock main, umdeads counter me so much that its sad

so, instant cats dots to bait cloak, survive through it with healthstone, bait their kick with immolate and if they kick, then cast all shadow spells.