Same threads constantly (no mods cleaning up)

The forums are always filled with the same subjects constantly, most of them never get merged or cleaned up, The forums are honestly an unmoderated mess.

This week I’ve lost count of the following topics being created constantly

  1. Brutosaurus
  2. lfr removal
  3. multiboxing threads
  4. best pvp gear coming from pve vendors
  5. Void elfs looking like blood elfs

There’s more than that, just examples. The same thing posted over and over and over, Not even a new point. It’s just non stop repeating the same conversations.

The forums are boring and filled with spam with hardly any moderation. It seems it’s up to the users to report before mods do much? There isn’t even a flag option to mention this issue?

Sometimes It’s even by the same people and when you go into two-three different threads it’s the same users having the same conversations.




What bothers me a lot about these repeating topics is that they’re never really a discussion. 90% of them is just the OP presenting their point without any nuance or another view, without asking any questions or encouraging any discussion. It’s really just everyone yelling their opinion into the void, it feels.


Also posts about boost sellers.
Boost sellers bad pls remove/why no boost chat


I think if mods were to be more diligent about cleaning up the forums, 80% of threads wouldn’t exist and the whole place would turn into a ghost town.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they just gave up on the task and faced the harsh reality that many people here are just helpless and hopeless.


They should just ask green posters if they are up for merging threads and small moderation tasks on the forums, just don’t let them have a ban hammer. I’m sure lots of them would say yes to do it.

I know they aren’t Blizz employees, but most forums have free mods on them.

Yeah it would be 80% less threads, but the discussion could still happen in the already existing threads on that topic. So in theory the place wouldn’t turn into a ghost town.

The way it is currently the same discussion with the same points is brought up everytime. Condensing it into single threads would probably also help to get more attention to the points discussed.


You also forgot the RIO complaints.


It would be much nicer if these topics were merged but I imagine it would require someone to be monitoring the forums a lot more actively. It would eat up a lot of time.

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They could at least add a flagging option of “merge needed, repeated thread”


That would be very sensible, if it’s possible.


Quick skim through the comments, in short no one is paid enough/allowed time to moderate.

I believe about a year ago Blizzard sacked a lot of their staff, and a lot of it was mods.

Another thing i notice is the increase in topics adressing blizzard in their title. Isn’t that technically against the CoC?

It just shows that these people aren’t really interested in a discussion and instead try to use the forums as their personal way to try to contact Blizzard. Is it really that hard to give the topic a descriptive title and actually start a discussion?


Missed nerf dh, and high elf for alliance.

Some threads are being brought up back so many times because some of them highlight issues that are not being addressed and that should be. Even if I gave up on making Alliance great again, I still support those who are trying to ask Blizzard to solve faction imbalance and I do 100% support Pvp vendor and stats.

I fully agree. But I still think collecting all the concerns regarding the same topic in one single thread would be more effective at getting attention then just repeating the same thing over and over.


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