Sanctum of domination deapretiation! thread

(whatever of this raid you H A T E!!)
transmogs are EHHEWEWEHW


The sheer length of the Sylvanas fight. If you wipe, you tend to wipe in P3 - and then it’s 10 minutes before you can get back to the same place, if your raid is very quick about resetting and pulling again.

Nightmare in LFR, where people will fail to jump to the next platform and won’t dispel the puddle debuff so you just end up with loads of people dead to avoidable damage and a platform where nobody can stand.

More generally, on the whole this raid is stacked with those “one person’s mistake can wipe the raid” mechanics that have been talked about a lot and which even Blizzard have said they will tone down in future because they are so omniversally despised. Fortunately for LFR, they are tuned to be non-wipe mechanics, but they can cause big bursts of damage that eventually overwhelm the healers.

Or just things like Nerzul where someone gets knocked off every single dispel because they insist on standing near the edge. If only there was some way of knowing this boss had a knockback…


That place is literally torture chamber of the hell. There is nothing to appreciate about it unless you are masochist.

But here goes anyway; the entrance. No flight point nearby, no flying in that zone and you have to walk past an army just to get to the entrance.


Pain smith is already hell, all he talks about is hell :slight_smile:

And he got all his machines also :slight_smile:

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Just spent 4 hours on a normal clear… I looted a conduit for the whole raid…


Ooo, that’s a good point. I usually just let the stealthy classes summon me :joy_cat:

How about when someone in LFR takes the “If you die you stun the whole raid for 10 seconds” power on Tarragrue - who then dies. (I thought about it today, decided not to because I was on an alt that needs the ilvl and doesn’t have a lot of hitpoints.)

sylvanas dropped 1 item to a rouge.
and when i say 1 item, i mean that in the whole group 1 rouge got the only item that sylv dropped.

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I absolutely love SOD! All the fights are fun and engaging and the sets looks awesome :sunglasses: it is even more fun now with Fated buffs!

I did get:


With her best Gul’dan voice imitation

Eveeeeryyythiiing :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I really like that fight, I wish more fights had fun mechanics like that, rather than just nuke boss and don’t step in crap.

Roh kalo 78 wipes on normal. Dps didn’t do runes >:(

Every single thing about the raid after tarragrue, I hate it all. Tarragrue lets me feel overpowered at least :smiley:

I’m a simp for Sylvanas but who tf designed that raid :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It sucks.

Thanks for attention.

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Painsmith. I have no other words.

Screw that boss.

There is not anything wrong with the raid imo. The biggest problem with raids are that you have to spend like 2-4 hour for maybe 1-2 gear slot. If you run m+ you can (could) get 1 gear slot maybe in 20-30 min. So they need to look into the reward system imo.

On what difficulty?

Haven’t done it on Mythic so I can’t comment on that. But on normal and heroic?


Ok i understand. I must have been lucky then. Painsmith was one of the easiest bosses imo. He do not have any hard or over tuned abilitets. But i guess that it depends on the group. The biggest check on this boss is players eyes xD (do i need glasses or not)!


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I did not tell that I ran whole sod LFR with my plate user and only got one item…. And it was painful with many many wipes!

I feel ya ;/ same with CN last week. It will take forever to get a full set :confused:

Teleport? Never heard of it?