San'layn/Dark Ranger Megathread Allied Race

Stop with this Elf bfight. There is enough Zezrkan for everyone.

Don’t you have a Queen or a Princess to guard? I’m sure your time is valuable…

Nightborne hands down has the best lore ever and were closer to Queen Azshara, then the Kal’dorei which makes me love them even more cause I love Azshara lol


If she dies in like 1 patch, it’ll be soooooooo disappointing, we waited for soo many years to see her, if they kill her off just to give us N’zoth, grrrrr…

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No, I’m in Dazar’alor surrounded by hot Troll chicks.

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It’s nice to be appreciated.

But real talk: It’s great to see Thalyssra and Lor’themar in Nazjatar again (spoilers.) It’s really good to see Silvermoon going to war with it’s “ancestral city” if you will, since Blood Elves extend from the Highborne escapees from Zin’Azshari.

And we also have references to Thalyssra’s Highborne life, before the Sundering. Equally as exciting.

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oh its amazing !

And doesn’t Queen Talanji fill that role for you?

I am gonna go with my rogue wearing her nightborne heritage armor roleplaying the hell out of that drowned city

I’m actually going with my Blood Elf Warlock first, ironically enough.

I feel it will be interesting to go through the zone as one of the splintered Highborne descendants from Zin’Azshari - since descendants, as far as the lore goes, can only be Naga or High/Blood Elves (I wouldn’t count Void Elves.)

Also given Zin’Azshari’s history with the Highborne and the Legion…it feels fitting.

Aren’t void elves former blood elves?

Void Elves, and Sylvanas counts as well she died a High Elf . but ugh Void Elves are so pretty with their haircuts but their lore is an absolute mess and feels disgusting to play, but I do play one to see both sides of the story

But they don’t appear to be present. I’m going with the races that are present in the story.

Also, Void Elves just feel very out of touch with Elven legacies. Night Elves, Blood Elves and Nightborne hold true to Elven legacies which is why they are my top three favorite races.

They were good in the war campaign and it was good to see Shandris and Umbric work together, but I think Blizzard want to use the races that truly reflect Azshara’s story, both in ancient, recent past and current lore.
Currently, the KT Humans, Night Elves, Nightborne and Blood Elves connect to this story arc quite well.
Why Blood Elves, you might ask…well, Kael’thas…

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Azshara’s Voice MAGNIFICENT

We need blue eyes for blood elves.

Hides from high elf fans

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Don’t summon them…for that you hold dear, don’t summon them

Drums in the distance

Might be too late…

I am kind of worried about the void elfs… have you ever played an Island expedition against void elfs?
these void elfs supposedly have control over the wispers, yet their dialogues show something different…

maniacs I know !

Don’t send them three to Zin’Azshari.

They’ll lose themselves quicker than Khamul losing himself and pledging service to Sauron.

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