San'layn not a race confirmed? I want an apology :)

Roleplay. …

because people take RP, their characters and IC interactions too seriously


Warscalie hehe

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I like to think I made my character as unlike the rest of the gay skink dracthyr population as it was possible in terms of aesthetics

(I know it didnt work)

hella robust attempt tho

Why? You don’t even know what the initial argument was about, yet you scold me for wanting to spread my word after the Blizz reveal.

Yes, that is true, I confirm. Was it personal? Yes. Did Rotgarde have false advertisement? Yes. Could they debunk my accusations? No. But I take no words back here, I confronted them, I made my points clear. Good job here, Vixi.

Yes, it was the beginning of the argument where a human trolling guy called me “a San’layn” or smth in a mocking way, to which I responded jokingly that I’m a bored San’layn at work who’s entertaining herself with these forums. Then, when the initial argument was settled, someone said there were rhyming words in OP’s message and I wrote a cute (in my mind) poem which I ended with the lines “Yours, San’layn in Orgrimmar”. This poem was the fueling fire of the next 1000 messages where someone took my words seriously and the undead debate continued with growing force.

This was my reaction to the people who used the lines from the poem as a proof that I am an actual San’layn in Orgrimmar or those who just spread this information about my rp fantasies which were coming out of nowhere.

The High Elves argument stands true to me, because there are way too many of them in the Alliance which is toooo much of a lore stretch for me. Yet people allow this, and not an undead elf? High Elves are untouchable and sacred, and that is a little hypocritical to me.

To be continued, tea break y’all

actually, screw it, I’m editing this one.
write whatever fanfic you want about forum arguments and ingame concepts and races

Hooray, you won the internet argument about a fictional race. Go you.

“Finally, I won all the internet arguments, yet I still feel empty inside.”

my first mistake was engaging
I am a fool

Haha hey I just remembered isn’t this also the elf that went around arguing that it’s totally fine to just erp around the place because in their own personal experience children don’t play the game

Good grief.

I’m sorry what?

Being told your character can’t join a guild is not racism or a personal attack.

Nor is it false advertisement.

They made an assumption, and you to many people confirmed it by bluntly saying this alongside your own description of your character and roleplay.

You never made it clear it was meant as tongue in cheek joke, and instead got angry when people kept discussing how undeads are viewed in-universe as if it was an insult to you.

And that is what caused the 2+ thread argument. People told you repeatedly the only actual issue is San’layn, Darkfallen or undead elves otherwise are generally fine. However guilds can and will decide what they think fit or not.

You kept repeatedly taking that as some grand show of hatred and racism towards elves and mixing up the two phrases over and over as I showed. And attacking anyone who tried to understand you.

This is wild. I never said the first part. The second part - yes, in my country children don’t play WoW (rare exceptions can exist, ofc, but very very rarely). The statement which you bullied me for relentlessly, as always.

Not a clue on this, I don’t remember seeing that myself so can’t comment on it.

To touch on that, even if it’s rare in your country, its still common elsewhere and WoW is rated to be a children’s appropriate game. Your cultural norms or country’s general behavior has no bearing whatsoever on what is fine or not on an international stage.

If you need evidence that children play this game, you need only look at the AD forums. :slightly_smiling_face:

oh boy

Literally what is the point being made? It’s like griding your brain against a cheese grater trying to follow the line of reasoning.

Is the point that vampyric Darkfallen (that aren’t aligned with the Scourge - IE not San’layn(?)) should be allowed in the Horde or Alliance? There was a BfA storyline about this, where Sylvanas was trying to bring the San’layn proper (Scourge-alligned) into the Horde - yet that fell flat.

Is the point that these hero talents have some sort of lore-implication, instead of just being non-canon game-mechanics? (Human Hunters cant be Dark Rangers, for example)

Talents which Blizz were very clear in pointing out were INCREDIBLY subject to change? Is the point that DKs can be San’layn? As opposed to just a nod to the blood-magics of DKs, also shared by the San’layn?