I was watching the end cinematic of Legion and something got me thinking
When Sargeras stabs Azeroth with his sword we can clearly see his left hand leaning onto the surface of Azeroth. Since it’s located in the water shouldn’t he created tidal waves that would do any damage to Ahn Qiraj and parts of Uldum?
Also if any tidal waves were to go the other direction into the Veiled Sea couldn’t that reveal some kind of new land? I know about the sundering but I always liked the idea of more land at the other side of Azeroth.
His body is made of pure, concentrated fel energy (and fel demonic magic is way hotter and more destructive than regular fire) that I think the proximity of his left hand just instantly boiled and vaporized the water of that part of the sea rather than creating big tidal waves or even a tsunami hitting places around the world.
This would be the lore explanation if I’m actually correct about the nature of powerful fel magic like the one of Sargeras himself…but in reality, I’m pretty sure it’s not like Blizzard had given any thought to this matter back then after all
This unfortunately, just as a general rule of thumb the people in charge of the lore these days are usually incompetent, often intellectually dishonest or more typically completely overlook the matter, Rothash. They get their own lore wrong all the time, they genuinally make very silly mistakes on a regular basis. A good example is the latest Exploring Kalimdor book which is just filled with absurd nonsense.