Save 30% on Select Game Services

I don’t know, man. I don’t know…

Merging not eq connecting.

Awesome, thanks! I’ll probably do a few race changes come next week so this is great news :slight_smile:

Don’t worry - this warrior will stay Gnome!

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Haaa !!! Daddy Blizzard You see when You want , I have got a few char over 100 and only true idiots don’t chnage advice, I will stack them with gold, bags, boe and, plan and consumabes and then I make the casino of Monte Carlo explode, no but seriously I can finally level and auction Hordes char too without begging and receiving no help and enjoy the story and horde side me too I was Alliance for long enough , I well deserves to see hw the other side is but as I said in the previous post:Rainblood remains Alliance, that that’s forever.

Just to decide which char, stack her to the max and what to change into , mst likely a Troll women or a Tauren women or at worse a male or a female gobelin or at worst a male. The rest does not interest me !

You can tell that the game is overpriced when the shop servers are down.

I guess that answers the questions about why the realm connections just suddenly stopped with no word …

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Ah yes, one day Blizzard sends hundreds of people to unemployment, the next day comes the cash grab. The more I see from this company the more I despise it :unamused:


WoW… a whole 30%… when you hiked the price pre BFA by what was it? Nearly 50%?

Buy this couch was £999 now only £699 (was originally £299), bargain!
Next you will be selling us a targeting red dot in game…


How cynical.

Meanwhile you stopped server connections without a word…
This smells like a very scumbag move.


Rules are different here. Even censored words can get you in trouble.

Yeah. That’s the end of the Alliance raiding scene in Shadowlands.

Actually you can. I once changed race a DAY before a sale and asked nicely in a ticket if there was something they could do and so they took the money I would have saved and applied it to game time!

The cynic in me doesn’t like this. It’s almost like all the refunds means they need to recoup some cash.

I think a sale was likely to have been planned considering the customisation update.


Ah yes, how dare they lower the prices when the new customization option will be added in less than a week!!! I wanted to spend more money on it!!! So evil!!!


“It benefits me, so I see no problem with it.” - Teann
Also, in a week faster leveling will be here, if I want a server transfer or a race change, I’ll just reroll and save 100%.


I called this weeks ago. They did similar when Vulpera and Mechagnomes came out. I’m pretty certain it was planned.

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Yes because only Blizz fire people, the rest of the world is full of company that prefer to sink instead of firing people.

You can’t reroll all old reps and progress you did on your old main for example, or transfer your gold, by rerolling.

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You know Blizzard is profitable, right?

Of course, that’s why I stated “It benefits me…”

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