Save arms in PvE

I explained your hypocrisy here clear as day.

Arms if I remember corectly uses the EXACT same abilities it used in Wrath: MS, overpower, Execute, slam(when out of better options and full rage) , rend( now optional) and Bladestorm. The only differences is overpower is now on a cd and not a proc off rend, and execute takes a larger portion of the rotation because venthyr sinergy and 35% talent.
Arms was always what it is, a decent ST spec at the beginning of every expansion, but suffers from worse scaling then Fury and slowly falls off to oblivion during X.2-X.3 of every expansion.

Devs make headache themselves when give arms a massacre talent. It was a fail and permanent balance and tuning troubles in borrowed powers and stats progression.

again 2 less love for issues of underperformers… This micromanaging of all those borrowed power systems and then u getting so hard punished for choosing a different Covenant.
Balancing 36 speccs with each 4 conduits alone for class 1 for the covenant( with 4 ) , around 8 legos for each specc . Its like a Sudoku and it all replaces in the end the old talent trees…

No wonder why we will c a whole new class. Its impossible , BFA was a good example cause almost every patch they introduced a different System…
For PVE Arms would be nice with a bit more Rage regen and also a buff to AOE ( maybe cleave baseline like it used to be

I don’t have an issue with AoE at the moment. Dreadnought + Overpower conduit with occasional sprinkles of Sweeping Strikes has me coasting quite happily on the meter, with Shatter-Storm burst windows and the addition of being Night Fae (Aftershock), on top of playing Whirlwind+Slam talent since Legion, even if it’s not nearly as good as it was.

The only issue I have is how it’s all centered around Shattering and/or Sweeping. Sweeping has a short enough CD that you’ll typically have it back per pack, but it’s still a clunky GCD you’re essentially mashing at near-cooldown for the sake of hitting an extra target.

As it stands, I’m not doing much worse than various other players/classes despite being 215 on the alt with random stats from wearing mostly haste/vers (as someone who converted from prot) sprinkled with whatever other random upgrades I got.

Sure, I doubt I’ll see 20+ push groups, nor would I ever be wanted, but I haven’t been underperforming in the damage or AoE department in the good ole 15-18’s (typical everyday bracket).

That’s not saying I don’t think it shouldn’t get some love or that it’s awesome, just not as bad as some might think.

As for the topic of utility, there’s quite a lot of instances where Piercing Howl is useful, with various dungeons involving packs that absolutely require kiting, with or without immunity-tanks or tools like Ring of Peace to ease it.

Being an NF warrior myself means you have a psuedo stun/interrupt/kite tool in Aftershock on top of howl, fear, and stormbolt if you’re that way inclined. Stuns are obviously valuable but I attribute Stormbolt as a PvP choice overall, so I don’t bother with it. Double Time + Heroic Leap renders you one of the more mobile classes in the game on top of the baseline addition of Intervene. Hell, the first legendary I made was the Heroic Leap boots for Prot PvP – it’s hard living without them in PvE once you convert to an actual DPS legendary. Triple leaps, double charge and intervene ensures I was always where I wanted to be at all possible times, with easy access to a leap-charge for a bit of rage if I was really, really starved.

Not advocating it for PvE of course. It’s obviously a meme legendary. But the mobility is delicious.

Fear, not as usable as it once was besides desperation interrupt/kiting/saves, but an argument can be made here and there. Rallying Cry may be more valuable in larger than 5-man content but it’s still a handy boon, and so long as people are trying to get X or Y drop they desire, there will be melee centric groups despite the caster meta who will appreciate +5% attack damage across the board - including tanks, who are mostly melee and quite capable of pumping.

Interrupts are a dime-a-dozen, so at least we have one.

Is warrior lacking compared to others? Sure. But I have yet to do M+ and especially a raid where I feel like I bring nothing but potential damage.

Just my alt-war 2cents.

i don’t care about numbers at all. The play style is the worst for last 5 years. Just bring back legion arms atleast make the class interactive and fun again. 0 versatility 0 talent depth . Esp venthyr arms you are rolling a dice every cd for a recklessness proc.


Troll post 100

Only level 60s are allowed in here. Go do your quests and whatnot.

It’s the same system that is used in Outlaw rogue, Blade Flury, which has an identic 30sec cd, and it’s just as annoying to use. But I can live with it, as Arms is not supposed to be as fluid in AoE as Fury.
But it should at least do 10% more ST, so it fits a niche, and people have a reason to play it.


You explained your bias and showed your own lack of understanding in the process. The WotLK system was static in that nothing ever happened outside the norm, there was no sudden ability lighting up that massively changed your gameplay. The WotLK system had priorities that changed according to the situation. It was never random. Your performance in 3.3 depended on how you utilized your priority. This never made it boring or frustrating. What it did do was that it made performance dependent on effort, and many people dislike that when they could play Fury where effort had no effect on performance.

There’s a huge difference. The current system is random with a set rotation. The WotLK system had a priority rotation instead. As it stands currently your performance is in some ways out of your hands. You can be the best Arms PvE player in the world with nr. 1 DPS-logs galore, and your performance can still be bad if you see no procs of Tactician. Which can happen even though it’s rare. To generate a statistical chance out of 100 it needs 1000 samples since 100 is considered too random. So if Tactician had a constant 40% chance of proccing then it would be based on 400 out of 1000 instead of 40 out of 100.

Where does your unpredictability of WOTLK arms fall into this then? Or are we just washing over that part of what you said?

It was never unpredictable, it just seemed that way if people never got into it. Compared to Fury Fury was definitely the simpler of the two.

Arms had a playstyle of priorities, good systems have that, where if X was true press 1 if Y was true press 2. Y took precedence over X though, etc. None of it was unpredictable, it just took you to know exactly what the priorities were, once you did it was highly predictable. Most people just never got to know the priorities as Fury was so much simpler to learn so, Arms gained this reputation of being unpredeictable.

yes, how can I help?

*Laughs in vulpera fury warrior with high dps*

Yes I have multiple fury warrior alts, because arms is terrible.

To be honest, Arms is not that bad really. From all the times in raids I could crack dps towards top 10 and sometimes atleast in the top 7.

Besides, arms is meaty and juicy when you hit like truck with condemn.

Mythic raiding has 20 people, let’s say 2 tanks and 4 healers on average. This means 16 slots for DPS and means you’ll have to be at least 8th DPS to be in the upper half. So if you’re mostly behind that… :frowning: On Fury I’m usually top 5, though depending on the fight I’m top 3.

Fishing recklessness proc is too annoying and unhealthy playstyle just slightly better then BFA deepwounds and still completely bull***t in comprising with legion arms. I m personally playing with exploiter. At least it provides less rage starving playstyle and more enjoyable.

You’re not fishing for recklessness procs though. It either procs or it doesn’t, and you don’t really adjust your playstyle for it. It just opens up certain burst windows that you can make use of. In fact, I’d argue that Signet made Fury gameplay less mundane and more bursty. I don’t think I’d enjoy Fury as much without it.

Did you red a topic name? That my thoughts about arms pve before next legendary tuning and/or implementing new systems, 2nd Lego etc. Ah yeah it’s for ventyr. The fact that ventyr already not best st covenant is another abomination of tuning process.

Yes I did, and I stand by what I said.

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